Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 760 Subduing the Thor Mercenary Group 2

Chapter 760 Subduing the Thor Mercenary Group 2
Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay, you can send someone to invite him over, and I'll talk to him again."

The young man named Huzi immediately stood up and volunteered, "I'll go! I'll go invite the head of the group!"

After finishing speaking, he ran out without waiting for Ma Dapao's reaction.

Ma Dapao sneaked a look at Si Kouyao again, seeing that she was still smiling slightly and didn't blame her, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that everyone was very cautious, Si Kouyao didn't dare to move her chopsticks. She picked up the chopsticks and greeted them with a smile, "Everyone, eat quickly, the food will be cold in a while, eat while it's hot! Come on, Dad, Mom, try it!" Try this dish, see if it tastes good?"

Si Kouyao started to eat with chopsticks, and the others were not polite, and followed suit.

They were originally mercenaries, and they were used to a life of drinking and eating meat. It was really not easy for them to maintain a gentle manner at this time.

About a quarter of an hour later, Hu Zi led a tall, burly man with a beard into the room.

Beard led Lei Shen to Si Kou Yao, and introduced Lei Shen, the leader of the Lei Shen mercenary group, "Head, this is the Lord Si Kou Palace."

He introduced Thor to Si Kou Yao, "Master Si Kou, this is the leader of our Thunder God mercenary group——Raytheon."

Si Kouyao stood up, bowed her hands politely and smiled at the God of Thunder, "Leader of the God of Thunder, I've been admiring you for a long time."

Thunder God's sharp eyes were also sizing up Si Kou Yao without any trace.

He couldn't see through Si Kou Yao's cultivation, and then thought of her related rumors, he immediately bowed respectfully to her, "Thunder God has met the Lord Si Kou, and he has admired the name of the Lord Si Kou for a long time. When I saw him today, he is really not as famous as meeting him. Meeting is worse than being famous!"

Si Kouyao laughed softly, "Leader of Thunder God has won the award, please sit down and talk!"

Thunder God saluted again, "Thank you, Lord Palace Master." He then sat down.

Si Kouyao asked someone to add bowls, chopsticks and wine to Lei Shen, and ordered a few more new dishes, and smiled at Lei Shen, "Leader Lei Shen, let's have something to eat first, let's talk later!"

"it is good!"

Thunder God was concerned about the task that Si Kouyao had said, so he ate his fill after three or two bites, and turned his attention to Si Kouyao.

This Palace Master Si Kou is not only young and good-looking, but even when eating, his posture is very elegant and charming. As long as you look at her, you have a feeling that you can't take your eyes off her.

Si Kouyao felt Thor's gaze, and quickly finished the food in the bowl.

Seeing that the four little babies, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling seemed bored, she said to them, "Dad, Mom, I have something to discuss with Captain Thunder God. If you feel bored, let the boss and Tianling and the others come to you." Let's go out with you, if you are tired from shopping, you can go back to the palace directly!"

Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling nodded, "Okay, then let's go out for a walk first, and come to us after you finish talking."

Si Kou Yao nodded in response, "Okay!"

After the group of people from the Xiao family left, the entire private room seemed much empty.

Si Kouyao asked people to clean up the table again, and served them a pot of tea, drinking tea while talking about things.

She took a look at Thor's soul, and found that his soul was very clean, with a faint tinge of merit yellow, so she knew that this man was worth wooing.

She didn't want to be too wordy, so she asked Lei Shen directly, "Leader Lei Shen, I would like to invite your entire mercenary group to join the Si Kou Palace, what do you think?"

 PS: ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket!Thank you for the rewards and votes, dears~
(End of this chapter)

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