Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 803 Big Brother’s Choice 1

Chapter 803 Big Brother’s Choice 1
After the couple finished loving each other, it was night again.

Si Kouyao felt that she was ashamed to face people, and said that she would take them back to the mountain today, but she spent almost a day in bed, what would her apprentices think of her?
Si Kouyao punched Xiao Chifeng a few more times before getting up quickly.

As expected, when Xiao Chifeng led her downstairs, the circle of disciples and four little babies sitting in the living room all looked at her with ambiguous eyes.

The boss greeted him, raised his eyes and asked, "Mummy, you finally woke up!"

The fourth child also followed, Xiaojun's face was full of concern, "Mum, you can sleep well, you have slept all day, are you too tired?"

Ye Tianling smiled and said, "Chenchen, master is too tired!"

Si Kouyao glared at him with a warning, and wrote the meaning of "If you say any more, you will be put in confinement".

Ye Tianling shrank his neck in fright, and quickly made a gesture to zip his mouth and stop talking.

Si Kouyao just let him go, sat down on the single sofa, and asked them, "Where did you go to play today?"

The third child hurriedly replied, "Mommy, we went to the Science and Technology City today and saw the science and technology exhibitions from all over the world, and found that the technology inside is so backward! The idiot robot they made is also I have the nerve to call it number one in the world, hahaha, I laughed so hard."

The boss thought it was right, looked at Si Kouyao and said, "Mommy, why don't we start a technology company? We can start levitating cars, all kinds of household, agricultural, industrial robots, etc..."

Si Kouyao actually thought about developing high-tech industries before, but she had to be busy with too many things, so she put it down.

Now hearing what the boss said, she was also a little moved, but she still had to plan in detail, so she replied, "I'll think about it later. By the way, Tianling, Xihe, Zhiyuan, Bobby, do you want to go home first?" How many days off do you want to come back?"

The four looked surprised, "Is it okay?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Of course! I'll give you a week's vacation, and come back soon after the vacation."

Ye Tianling cheered, "That's great, master, then let's go now!"

Seeing how impatient they were, Si Kou Yao smiled and warned, "Remember to use the invisibility talisman when entering and exiting the customs."

The four responded in unison, "We understand, master, then shall we go?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Go!"

Their current cultivation bases are not weak, and they can fly with swords. Si Kou Yao also equipped each of them with a high-grade spirit sword. Even if they go home now, it will only take a few hours.

As soon as the boss saw that the four senior brothers had gone home, he immediately asked Si Kouyao, "Mum, Lingdai is also homesick, can I send her back?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Okay, you can send her back, but you can't walk at night, you can leave tomorrow morning, and you have to pay attention to safety on the road, you know?"

The boss replied obediently, "Understood, Mommy."

Xiao Jinlai and Xiao Yuer's home is in the capital, so they don't have to travel far.

However, Si Kouyao also gave them a seven-day vacation, allowing them to reunite with their families.

After arranging them, Si Kouyao scolded herself for being an idiot in her heart. If she had known that she had come back yesterday, she would have let them go home directly, and it would have saved her from sleeping all day today and making fun of them.

After knowing the big brother's thoughts, Si Kouyao is not in a hurry to go up the mountain now, and is going to rest at home for two days before talking.

She was not in a hurry, but the summons from the elder brother came.

(End of this chapter)

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