Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 804 Big Brother’s Choice 2

Chapter 804 Big Brother’s Choice 2
Si Kouyao glanced at Xiao Chifeng beside him, saw him nodding, then pressed the connect button, and asked Mu Tingyu with a smile as usual, "Eldest brother, are you looking for me, what's the matter?"

The smile on the face of the eldest brother Mu Tingyujun is still so like his father, full of tenderness and pampering, "Yaoyao, are you back? When are you going back to the mountain?"

Si Kouyao replied, "I'm really tired after going out this trip. I thought about going back to the mountain in two days. What's the matter? Brother, are you okay?"

Mu Tingyu smiled and said, "It's like this. I thought you were back. There is someone in charge of the Sikou Palace, so I can take Tiantian to the Hong Kong government. I want to propose marriage to her family."

"Really? That's great, senior brother, congratulations!"

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng who stood aside were a little surprised when they heard what Mu Tingyu said, but at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief.

The elder brother chose Tang Tiantian and proposed marriage to her family, so he should be determined to have a good time with Tang Tiantian.

It will be fine in this way, without piercing the layer of window paper, everyone can continue to get along happily without any troubles.

Si Kou Yao then said, "Eldest brother, then I'll go back tomorrow, you go to Tian Tian's house to propose marriage, you must behave well!"

Mu Tingyu smiled lightly, "I will! Then I will wait for you to go up the mountain tomorrow, and I will explain the affairs of the palace to you, and then I will take Tiantian to the Hong Kong government."

Si Kou Yao responded readily, "Okay, I'll be back to the mountain around nine o'clock tomorrow."

Mu Tingyu smiled, "Okay, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Si Kouyao put away the communicator, looked up at the thoughtful Xiao Chifeng, and said with a smile, "Eldest brother has decided to marry Tiantian, can you rest assured now?"

Xiao Chifeng came over and hugged her, and said with a smile, "Don't get too excited, let's see the situation."

Si Kouyao leaned on him and said softly to him, "Ah Chi, no matter what others think, we are beyond control. Unless God doesn't want us to be together, no one can separate us."

Xiao Chifeng suddenly looked at her seriously, "No! Even God can't stop us from being together!"

Si Kouyao smiled back at him, "I know, even death can't stop us, live together, die together, and stay together forever!"

Xiao Chifeng hugged her tightly, "Well, together forever! Never separate!"

Only by letting her stay by his side, only when he can see her, hold her, and make love to her every day like this, can he feel safe.

There are many people who like her, even if he is confident, he still worries, will she leave him one day?
He can only hold her heart tightly to him if he treats her doubly well, treats her even better, and puts her in his palm to pamper and love her.

Si Kouyao didn't think as much as Xiao Chifeng, she firmly believed that their relationship would never change!
Even if he took ten thousand steps back and said that his feelings had really changed, she would cut them off with wisdom. If she didn't love her, she would never keep her!

She likes that the relationship between two people is like this: they can trust each other, cherish each other, love each other, understand each other, be consistent with each other, and work together to build a beautiful homeland.

Fortunately, Xiao Chifeng has always done a good job in this regard, and she has not been dissatisfied so far.

the next day.

Xiao Chifeng was going to work, the eldest brother also sent Lingdai home, and the third child accompanied Xiao Yuer back to her home.

She took her second child and fourth child back to Xianshan, and went to see Mu Tingyu immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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