Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 806 Qingxu Beastmaster Fascinates the Old Lady

Chapter 806 Qingxu Beastmaster Fascinates the Old Lady

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Well, I believe in Dad!"

Although she was worried about Si Kou Yu, she still believed in her father, he would be fine.

After the handover, Mu Tingyu took Tang Tiantian and set off for the Hong Kong government.

Si Kouyao also asked Tang Tiantian to bring a box of spiritual tea and a box of spiritual wine as gifts to each of the aristocratic families who had made good friends.

Of course, the Tang family is also indispensable.

After seeing them off, Si Kouyao went to find Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao.

When they arrived at the place where the old man and the others lived, they found that the old man was playing chess with his second child, Xiao Qingguo.

Grandma Xiao was chatting with the fourth child Xiao Qingchen, and the fourth child was happily telling Grandma Xiao the interesting things that happened in the plane of cultivating immortals.

Si Kouyao walked in and called out first, "Grandpa, grandma."

Mr. Xiao waved at her as a greeting.

Grandma Xiao beckoned to Si Kouyao, and said with a smile, "Yao'er, come and sit down, I'm listening to Si'er talk about your experiences, and he also said that you contracted an ancient beast king for him, is that true? ?”

Si Kouyao walked over and said with a smile, "Grandma, it's true!"

Grandma Xiao's eyes lit up, and she immediately looked at the fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, "Si Er, can you summon me so that grandma can gain insight and see what the ancient beast king was like?"

The fourth child looked at Si Kou Yao and asked for her opinion.

Before returning, Si Kouyao told Qing Xu to hide in the fourth child's beast space and not let him come out.

It just so happened that Qingxu Beastmaster didn't like going outside, he liked to stay inside and practice, so he never showed up.

Otherwise, when Xiao Chifeng saw that there was a handsome man at home every day, he would probably be heartbroken again.

At this time, when Si Kouyao saw that Grandma Xiao wanted to see it, she said to the fourth child Xiao Qingchen, "First ask Qingxu Beast King, would he come out and meet everyone?"

The ancient beast kings were all very arrogant, usually only when their master was in danger, he would take the initiative to attack.

If you boss him around at ordinary times, he will definitely be unhappy, so it's better to ask him.

The fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, communicated with Qingxu with his thoughts, "Qingxu Beastmaster, my grandma wants to see you, can you come out and let her see you?"

Although Qingxu Beast King is in the animal pet space, he also knows about the outside world, and he also knows that Si Kouyao wants the fourth child to respect him, so ask him first.

People have always treated him so politely, and he couldn't put on airs, so he responded, "Yes."

The fourth child Xiao Qingchen was also very respectful to Qing Xu, "Then please come out and let my grandma see your demeanor of the ancient beast king!"

When Grandma Xiao saw a peerless and enchanting handsome man in ancient costume appearing in front of her like this, she was completely dumbfounded.

This man is so beautiful!
His face is like a jade crown, and his skin looks better than a woman's, with typical icy muscles and bones.

Two long eyebrows flew into the temples, and a pair of beautiful and charming phoenix eyes contained a touch of majesty.

Below the straight bridge of the nose is a perfectly curved thin lip.

This exquisite and beautiful facial features are so perfect that no one can pick on them, which made even an old lady lose her heart.

Seeing grandma's shocked face, the fourth child Xiao Qingchen couldn't help laughing, "Grandma, this is the ancient beast king, and his name is Qingxu."

Grandma Xiao quickly stood up, and stretched out her hand to Qingxu Beast King, "Hello! Hello!"

Qingxu Beastmaster didn't understand what Grandma Xiao meant, he blinked his phoenix eyes in doubt, and looked at the fourth child Xiao Qingchen with the intention of asking.

(End of this chapter)

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