Chapter 807
The fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, laughed loudly, "Master Qingxu, my grandma wants to shake hands with you! Shaking hands is a courtesy on our side, which means friendship and welcome."

"Oh I got it."

After listening to Xiao Qingchen's explanation, Qingxu Beastmaster stretched out his hand to shake Grandma Xiao's hand, and said, "Hello!"

Grandma Xiao was shocked by Qingxu's pleasant voice again, and said to him with a smile, "Qingxu Beastmaster, please sit down quickly! Please sit down! Sier, hurry up and pour tea for Qingxu Beastmaster!"

The fourth child responded obediently, "Yes, grandma."

Mr. Xiao, who was playing chess next to him, became unhappy when he saw Grandma Xiao being courteous to a stunningly beautiful man. He flicked the chess piece in his hand and snorted at his second son, Xiao Qingguo, "No more!"

After finishing speaking, the old man walked towards Grandma Xiao with his hands behind his back, "Old lady, who is this?"

He clearly heard what the fourth brother Xiao Qingchen and Si Kouyao said just now, but now he deliberately pretends to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to know.

Grandma Xiao responded to him angrily, "This is the partner of the fourth child, the ancient mythical beast Qingxu Beastmaster, why don't you say hello to the Beastmaster?"

Mr. Xiao let out a soft voice, looked Qingxu Beast King up and down, hummed and said, "It's pretty good-looking, but it almost kills the soul of our old lady. It's too beautiful. It's not good for our family. For the sake of the woman, Lord Beastmaster, you should go back and rest!"

Qingxu Beast King was immediately happy when he heard Mr. Xiao's words.

He didn't want to deal with strangers yet, and he was eager to go back quickly. Now that Mr. Xiao had said this, he immediately returned to the fourth child Xiao Qingchen's pet beast space without saying a word.

When Grandma Xiao saw that the Qingxu Beast King had disappeared, she immediately hated Mr. Xiao, "You old man, what's wrong with me just admiring the beautiful men? Really, I'm so old, and I don't mind eating jealousy every day. Lose your old face!"

Mr. Xiao was also angry, "Why am I ashamed? You are the one who is ashamed. You are a lot of age, and you are still crazy about a young man. You don't mind embarrassing your old face!"

When Grandma Xiao saw that Mr. Xiao actually blocked herself by saying what she said, she was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

When Si Kouyao saw the two old people talking, she was offended, and hurried to the middle of them to be a peacemaker, "Oh, grandpa, grandma, stop arguing, this is all my fault, I shouldn't Let Qingxu Beastmaster come out, I'm sorry, grandpa, grandma, if you want to blame, blame me!"

Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao said in unison, "What am I blaming you for? If you want to blame it, blame him (her)!"

Seeing Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao saying the same thing and pointing at each other, Si Kouyao couldn't help laughing loudly, "Look, look, our grandpa and grandma have a tacit understanding, what they say, what they do They're all exactly the same, there's no relationship for decades, but you can't do this, second child, fourth child, don't you think so?"

The second child Xiao Qingguo and the fourth child Xiao Qingchen quickly responded, "Yes, yes, great-grandfather and great-grandmother are the most loving!"

When Grandma Xiao heard the words of the second and fourth children, she immediately turned from anger to joy, "You two sweet mouths, you know what love is not!"

The second child, Xiao Qingguo, replied solemnly, "Grandma, of course we know what affection is!"

The fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, also laughed cutely and said, "Grandma, I also know that conjugal love means that two people love each other for a lifetime."

(End of this chapter)

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