Chapter 808
The anger of Mr. Xiao and Mrs. Xiao after being teased by the second child and the fourth child has almost dissipated.

After the two elders glared at each other again, they snorted coldly and turned their faces away, and didn't mention it anymore.

Si Kouyao felt that the old couple at home were really funny. Seeing them laughing and making trouble like this was actually quite happy.

Afterwards, Mr. Xiao quietly reminded Si Kou Yao, "Yaoer, this Qingxu Beast King is so good-looking, you should have less contact with him, and don't let Ah Chi see him, or else, you will lose touch with him." Chi must be more jealous than me."

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Grandpa, I know, no, we haven't let Qingxu Beastmaster come out since we came back, if the fourth child hadn't told grandma about the experience, we wouldn't have let Qingxu Beastmaster come out either." of."

"Well, it's good that you know."

After Mr. Xiao finished speaking, he took a deep look at the intelligent granddaughter-in-law, and left Shi Shiran.

Si Kou Yao smiled wryly and shook her head.

The men of the Xiao family are all devoted to each other, but they are all jealous, even the old man is no exception.

However, Xiao Chifeng finally found out about Qingxu Beastmaster.

At night, he put Si Kou Yao under his body, and while occupying her, he warned her, "You are not allowed to deal with that Qingxu beast king in the future, do you hear me?"

Si Kou Yao let out an "um"...

Xiao Chifeng was still not satisfied, and forced her to say, "Say it quickly, husband, I love you! Love you forever!"

Si Kou Yao's bewildered eyes gradually returned to her senses, and she pinched him hard, "Xiao Chifeng, are you finished?"

Xiao Chifeng also bit her lightly, and the movement was even more vigorous, "It's endless! Say it, say it, say it..."

Si Kouyao couldn't do anything about it, so she had to compromise, humming and saying, "Husband, I love you! I love you! I love you to death!"

Only then did Xiao Chifeng grin in satisfaction, and kissed her fiercely, "Hey, it's not too bad!"

In the days that followed, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao were busy with their own affairs during the day, but they loved each other endlessly at night.

Xiao Chifeng said bluntly, "It's been a long time since I have lived such a peaceful and happy life like now. It would be great if I could continue to live like this."

Si Kou Yao also laughed, "Yeah! It would be great if we could stay like this forever, but it's a pity that there is still the ten-year catastrophe predicted by the father, and this day is getting closer..."

Xiao Chifeng said calmly, "I don't believe that soldiers will block it, and water will cover it. With the strength of the two of us, we can't protect our country."

After a week.

The disciples who were on vacation also came back full of energy.

Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian's marriage has also been finalized, and they are set to get married on September 9, an auspicious day.

They greeted relatives and set up wine at the Hong Kong government first, and then came back to Si Kou Dian to entertain people from the cultivation world and relatives and friends here.

Mu Tingyu was raised by Si Kou Yu, and he has no parents, so the management of the marriage naturally fell on Si Kou Yao.

Fortunately, Si Kou Dian also has a lot of people, so she will be the coordinator, as long as things are ordered, let the disciples do it.

In these busy days, the time soon came to the happy day of September 9th.

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng were going to attend the wedding as representatives of the man's side.

Si Kouyao and Ye Tianling, the local children from the Hong Kong government, came here early in the morning to take care of things.

Because Xiao Chifeng had too many things on hand, he only rushed over by teleportation on the day of the wedding.

(End of this chapter)

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