Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 822 Successfully Attracting the Attention of a Scientific Madman

Chapter 822 Successfully Attracting the Attention of a Scientific Madman

Can Si Kou Yao say no?
Of course not!

But she didn't want to deal with him against her will and said, I don't care!
So, she didn't say anything at all, but nodded reluctantly, but her expression was not as good as when she first came.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Fan Yu's mood also sank, and he gave his brother a hard look.

But Major General Vance shrugged at him, saying that there was nothing he could do about it.

At this moment, the door of the Fan family opened again.

An excited female voice followed, "Little brother, where is that primitive pure-blooded female? Show me there!"

Fan Yu looked helplessly at this frightened sister, "My good sister, this goddess is sitting here, can't you see it?"

When Si Kouyao heard Fan Yu's description, she really wanted to laugh. The previous one was a pervert, and now this one is a jerk, what kind of character will the next one be?
However, this Ji Jingfeng girl is also very beautiful, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of heroism, and a tall and exquisite figure.

On the alliance planet where women are so rare, she is definitely one of the most sought-after top beauties.

Fan Qing rushed in front of Si Kouyao, looked her up and down several times with research-like eyes, and then said in a voice full of admiration, "It's so beautiful! It's so perfect! I've never seen someone so beautiful and perfect. Female! Hello! I'm Fanqing, and I welcome you to my house very, very much!"

Fan Qing's enthusiasm and straightforwardness made Si Kou Yao feel a little good.

She also extended her hand and shook hands with Fan Qing, "Hello! I'm Si Kou Yao, nice to meet you."

Fan Qing took Si Kouyao's hand and refused to let go, and smiled at her very familiarly, "Yaoyao, sit down quickly, let's have a good chat, I am very, very interested in the matter of your alien plane , tell me first, how did you come to our plane?"

Si Kouyao smiled softly, "I just swiped and flew over like this."

In order to frighten the arrogant Major General Vance, Si Kouyao deliberately used the teleportation ability in front of the three brothers and sisters, flashing here and there for a while.

Sure enough, the three brothers and sisters of the Fan family were stunned for a while, and they all looked at her in shock.

Fan Qing waited for Si Kouyao to sit back beside her, and immediately asked her excitedly, "Goddess Yaoyao, you can teleport across planes?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Yes!"

Of course she would not tell them that she relied on the space teleportation array of the plane channel.

As soon as her answer came out, the three brothers and sisters stared wide-eyed.

Fan Qing murmured, "Too powerful! Really too powerful!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and squeezed Si Kouyao's arm, and said with a puzzled expression, "It feels like your physical body is just like an ordinary person's. Why are you so strong? How did you resist that powerful tearing body?" The space energy storm that cracked the strongest battleship?"

Si Kou Yao smiled softly, "It just passed! I didn't feel any space energy storm."

Miss Fanqing, a female science expert on the Alliance Planet, was confused, "Ah? Nothing? That's too strange! Could it be that the energy field in the interstellar space can be changed by people? I really want to cut you open to see, you and How are we different?"

Si Kou Yao's eyes widened instantly, and she moved a little away, wanting to stay away from this scientific lunatic.

When Fan Yu saw Si Kou Yao, he looked frightened again. Thinking that his brother had scared her just now, Fan Yu was afraid that she would get angry, so he immediately reprimanded his sister, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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