Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 823 I Have the Ability to Transform You

Chapter 823 I Have the Ability to Transform You
Only then did Fan Qing realize what she had said, and quickly covered his mouth.

She shook her head at Si Kou Yao again, and explained to her from between her fingers, "I didn't do it on purpose, I'm just too interested in living specimens like you..."

Fan Yu stretched out his hand to touch his forehead and sighed softly...

My good sister, it's okay if you don't say this, the more you say it, the more scary it will be, okay?
Si Kouyao also felt that apart from Fan Yu, his elder brother, Major General Fan Si, and the director of the research institute, Fan Qing, looked a little abnormal in this family.

It seems that she has to quickly find what she wants, and then make a quick calculation.

After staying for a long time, she was really afraid that she would fall into the hands of the brother and sister and cause a commotion.

At this moment, the door of the Fan family opened again.

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes and looked over, wanting to see if the person who came this time would be another weird one?
I saw that the person who came was also wearing a straight military uniform, tall and burly, with a stern and resolute Chinese character face, and a beard. He really looked like a gangster, with a taste of Uncle Sam.

Fan Yu immediately stood up and introduced to Si Kouyao, "This is my father, Mr. Fan Jinhao, the ball leader of Alliance Planet."

He then introduced Si Kouyao to his father, Fan Jinhao, "Father, this is my plane friend Si Kouyao, the goddess Yaoyao who can bring good news to us."

Fan Jinhao strode up to Si Kou Yao, saluted her with a military salute, and greeted her with a very formal and respectful etiquette, "Miss Si Kou, on behalf of the entire alliance planet, I welcome you to our place! I hope you are here Have a great time!"

When Si Kouyao saw another normal person finally came, she also smiled at him, "Thank you, Mr. Qiu, for your warm welcome. I hope you won't let me down here, and I will do my best to help you solve the problem." Troubled fertility issues.”

Fan Jinhao laughed loudly, "That would be great! I wonder if Miss Si Kou is willing to move and go to the study with me to discuss in detail?"

Si Kou Yao nodded and smiled, "It's a great honor."

Fan Jinhao stretched out his hand and pointed slightly, "Please follow me!"

Then he called his three children, "You three, come up together!"

"Yes, father."

From the expressions of Fan Yu and his siblings, Si Kou Yao could tell that they respected their father very much.

As soon as Fan Jinhao came back, even Major General Fan Si and Fan Qing, who were prone to snake spirit disease, became normal.

The study room on the second floor of the Fan family is also very spacious and bright, with various video equipments also very complete.

As the host, Fan Jinhao naturally sat at the top.

As a distinguished guest, Si Kou Yao sat on his left side.

Major General Fan Si, Fan Qing, and Fan Yu sat on the right.

Fan Jinhao is a person who works vigorously and decisively. After everyone sat down, he immediately asked, "I heard from my child, Fan Yu, that Miss Si Kou has the ability to improve the reproductive status of our planet. Could you please tell Miss Si Kou how to use it? technology to change the status quo?"

Si Kouyao told them again the two proposals she had just mentioned to Fan Yu.

Fan Jinhao's eyes brightened, and he asked with a hint of urgency, "Are you sure that these two plans can be successful?"

Si Kouyao laughed, "Since I can say it, I can do it, but there are conditions for me to help you."

Fan Jinhao said to her without hesitation, "As long as you can help us, no matter what the conditions are, we will agree. Miss Si Kou, please state the conditions!"

(End of this chapter)

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