Chapter 824 Declare Her Ownership
Si Kou Yao raised her lips slightly, and said softly, "I told Fan Yu before that the purpose of my coming here is to obtain high-tech technologies such as hovering cars, robots, and air battleships made by your planet."

"As for the birth status on your side, I only learned about it after I came here. Since both of us have needs, we can also form a long-term cooperative relationship between our two planets. I wonder what Master Ball thinks? "

Fan Jinhao was overjoyed when he heard that, "Of course, very good. Our technology and your panacea can be exchanged at the same value at that time, isn't it?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Yes!"

Fan Jinhao said happily, "That's great, I'll let them submit the technical information now."

Si Kouyao added another sentence, "I also want to visit the relevant manufacturing plants, is that okay?"

Fan Jinhao nodded and agreed, "There is no problem with this, I will ask Fan Si to take you there in person."

Si Kou Yao glanced at Major General Vance, only to see him blinking at her, with a wicked smirk on his lips.

Si Kouyao pretended not to see it, and continued to ask Fan Jinhao, "If possible, I would also like to ask the planet leader to send some scientists to our side to guide related work as a technology transfer."

Fan Jinhao pondered for a while, and then said to her, "I can't make a decision directly, I have to ask those scientists and get their consent. However, if your planet has resources that can attract them to the past, then I believe , they will be more than happy to go."

Si Kou Yao immediately said, "Then I will make an introduction of our planet later, and welcome your technicians to work on our planet. You can also make an introduction of a planet, and it will be broadcast on our planet at that time, as the first It is used as an advertisement for recruiting women in the plan to come and get married."

Fan Jinhao immediately remembered this, and replied to her, "I'll get someone to make it later, and try to hand it over to you in the shortest possible time!"

Next, they conducted a series of negotiations.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Fan Jinhao was very happy, and said with a smile to Si Kou Yao, "I will have two more drinks with Miss Si Kou in a while to celebrate the cooperation between our two planets! When our bilateral cooperation is successful, I will hold a grand party for Miss Si Kou banquet!"

Major General Vance, who had been silent all this time, reminded, "Father, I think this banquet can be held in advance, so that everyone can be happy and welcome Goddess Yaoyao together!"

He silently added in his heart that it is best to keep her and let her serve their planet forever.

Si Kou Yao also despised him in her heart.

Don't think that she can't see his intentions for this wolfish and ambitious guy. She just wants to announce the ownership of her Si Kou Yao to the people of the Alliance Planet. She has already fallen into the hands of their Fan family. You monsters and snake gods had better not act rashly !
However, his approach can save her a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, according to her status as a primitive pure-blood female with great energy, it would be enough to cause countless scientific lunatics and aristocrats to compete frantically.

Although she has the ability to avoid these risks and troubles, if she can avoid these troubles, she doesn't want to cause trouble.

When Fan Jinhao heard the elder son's reminder, he also came to his senses instantly, and immediately changed his words, "Then hold a dinner to welcome Miss Si Kou tomorrow, Miss Si Kou, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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