Chapter 831 Don't Hug My Wife
Before he touched the corner of Si Kou Yao's clothes, Xiao Chifeng pulled Si Kou Yao behind him, "Odson, there is a saying in our Huatian Empire: if a man and a woman can't kiss each other, it's better to leave your hug to you." Compatriots!"

Alderson protested dissatisfiedly, "Xiao, you are a feudal machismo, and you show great disrespect to strong women. You imprisoned the Lord Hall Master like this. I really feel sorry for my dear Lord Hall Master." Wronged."

Xiao Chifeng snorted in a cold voice, "Odson, you're getting worse!"

Si Kouyao watched the two men quarreling because of her, you stared at me like two fighting cocks, and I stared at you, couldn't help laughing, "Okay! Stop arguing, sit down and eat!"

As soon as she made a sound, the two men stopped and sat down.

Auderson asked about Si Kouyao's recent itinerary again with concern, and when he heard Si Kouyao said that she went to an alien planet and brought back 2000 beautiful alien technicians and scientists, she stared at him. Big eyes.

After being shocked, Odson immediately gave Si Kou Yao a thumbs up, and said with emotion, "My lord, you are too powerful! You are so powerful! I don't even know what words to use to describe your power." degree……"

In the end, he immediately asked again, "My lord, I don't know about these alien technologies, can you share them with us?"

Si Kou Yao chuckled lightly, "We have just started to cooperate with alien planets now, and when these technologies are mature, we will consider cooperating with you, don't worry."

Alderson said nervously, "My lord, don't forget us when the time comes!"

Si Kou Yao chuckled, "No, don't worry!"

The three of them ate and chatted.

Si Kouyao also told them some knowledge and customs on the planet Basel Alliance in the Milky Way.

Auderson and Xiao Chifeng were secretly surprised when they heard that there were more men than women and women were extremely rare.

Si Kouyao also told Alderson and Xiao Chifeng about the plan to send women to the Basel Alliance planet for marriage, and asked them, "You two empire leaders, what do you think about this matter? Let me hear it." listen."

Xiao Chifeng frowned, "The ratio of men to women on our side has already tended to be 12:10, and if we want to take some away, will there be more and more single men in the future? This will lead to an imbalance between men and women on our side?"

Si Kouyao replied, "This is also the result of patriarchy in the early years. If we can raise the status of women and severely punish those scumbags who abuse women and children with the law, I believe that the birth rate and survival rate of women will be higher in the future. It will be greatly improved, and it shouldn’t matter if you send thousands of people to go there.”

Xiao Chifeng's reminder just now also made Si Kouyao have another plan in his heart, that is to go to the ancient plane to buy people.

The orc plane also has more men than women, so this plan is not feasible.

Immortal cultivation plane can be considered.

The biggest target is the Datang plane where the businessman "Little Lady of the Tang Dynasty" is located.

According to Si Kou Yao's understanding, this Great Tang plane is similar to the ancient one in the history of the Huatian Empire, but it is not the Tang Dynasty in the history of the Huatian Empire, but an ancient plane with the same name.

If we can take this opportunity to rescue some abused and trafficked women, and then send them to the Barcelona Union planet, which regards women as a treasure, this is not a kind of opportunity and blessing for these suffering women.

 PS: Thank you for the votes and rewards, dears~
(End of this chapter)

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