Chapter 832 Hot Love

For her, Si Kou Yao, this is another way of doing good deeds.

After Xiao Chifeng finished lunch with Alderson, he made an appointment with him for an afternoon meeting, then took Si Kouyao's hand and went back to the President's Office.

In his office, there is a spacious lounge with a big bed inside.

Xiao Chifeng calculated the time in his mind, there was still about an hour and a half before his afternoon talk, it should be enough time for him and his wife to have a hot love first.

Xiao Chifeng, who had been greedy for meat for a long time, led Si Kouyao into the lounge, hugged her horizontally, put her gently on the bed, and pressed her up with him.

Si Kou Yao quickly reached out to stop him, and glared at him angrily, "Don't be in such a hurry, wash it off first..."

Xiao Chifeng had no choice but to pick her up again, and the two went into the bathroom together.

The two of them were washing and washing together, and they didn't go out at all. They just kissed and kissed inside, and then they wiped their guns and went off...

After a hot love affair, Xiao Chifeng thoughtfully helped her wash it up, and carried her back to the bed.

Seeing that the time for his appointment with Alderson was almost approaching, Xiao Chifeng bowed his head and kissed her, stroking her face tenderly and said, "You rest here first, and we will go home together after I get off work. "

Si Kouyao smiled at him, said "Okay", and watched him go out, she also closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax and fall asleep.

When she was outside, she was working every day. Even though she was physically abnormal, she still felt tired.

Only when she returns to this familiar place and around familiar people, will she feel relaxed and happy, and even sleep very fragrantly.

After waking up from a deep sleep, Si Kou Yao released her mental power.

Seeing that Xiao Chifeng was still busy, she used her mental power to find out the school where the four babies were, and watched them go to school.

When she saw the four little babies obediently sitting in the classroom and listening to the class, but their little faces looked bored, she couldn't help but chuckle.

The cultivation of the four little darlings is not bad, when Si Kou Yao probed them with mental strength, they discovered them.

They immediately swept away the boredom on their faces, and all of them became excited.

Their mommy is back! ! !

They really want to leave the classroom to see Mommy, how can it be broken?
Si Kouyao saw the turmoil in their hearts, and couldn't help but said to them through voice transmission, "Baby, finish the class obediently, and Mommy and Daddy will pick you up together later."

The four little babies replied excitedly through sound transmission, "Okay, Mommy, I'll wait for you!"

"Well, darling, see you later."

Seeing the four little heads nodding in unison, Si Kouyao was happy again.

Every time she sees these four super cute and cute babies in her family, she feels extremely happy and satisfied.

Si Kouyao didn't intend to let them go to school like this for a long time. For the four talented little ones, they were destined to go on an extraordinary path.

Their IQs are super high, and what others can learn in a year may be enough for them in one day.

For children with extremely high cultivation like them, it is undoubtedly a waste of time to go to school and learn the knowledge they already know.

Therefore, Si Kouyao will continue to let them practice and study by themselves after they have experienced the life of ordinary students.

(End of this chapter)

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