Chapter 833 Wife, are you ready?
As long as you are motivated, you can learn a lot whether in school or elsewhere.

Seeing that there was still a little time before Xiao Chifeng got off work, Si Kouyao stepped into the space again.

She entered the kitchen of the space, and started to make some dishes and snacks that Xiao Chifeng and the four babies liked to eat.

After she finished all these dishes, she suddenly heard a small voice in her mind, "Master, the genius Peter Pan has just sent a message, and he strongly requests you to sell food in the plane store, he said Without your delicious food, he will hardly be able to live..."

Si Kouyao laughed softly, "That kid is really exaggerating, but, to be honest, the food from their technological plane is really unpalatable. No wonder he can't forget the food I made after eating it!"

Xiao Xiao said again, "He also said that not only he never forgets the delicious food you made, but his whole family never forgets the delicious food you cooked, and those who have participated in the banquet and ate delicious food are all admiring him. Find out where those delicacies come from! Therefore, he has repeatedly asked you to put all the delicacies online so that he can buy the delicacies he wants to eat at any time. He even said that as long as you want, he can help You spread these gourmet delicacies on their planes."

Si Kouyao thought for a while, "Well then, Xiaoxiao, you buy two home-use robots first, input all our recipes into their programs, let them make these delicacies, and then put them in the plane store Sell ​​it, and then, you look at the sales and add bots as appropriate."

Xiao Xiao replied, "Okay, master, Xiao Xiao will do it right away."

After 1 minute, Xiaoxiao replied, "Master, I have already purchased two home-use robots. The genius Peter Pan said that they will arrive in an hour."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay! Then I'll make a few more dishes, and you can put them in the plane shop in a while, and give them to the genius Peter Pan."

Xiao Xiao replied, "Okay, master."

After arranging everything, Si Kouyao went to Lingquan Pool to take a bath, and practiced for a while.

When she sensed that Xiao Chifeng had returned to the office, she flew ashore and put on the self-cleaning Ziguang Baoyi.

According to her idea, Ziguang Baoyi transformed into a fashionable knee-length dress for autumn, paired with a pair of black high combat boots, and tied her long hair into a ball head.

Looking forward in her beautiful eyes, Si Kouyao exuded a sense of fashion, and she was as tender as an eighteen-year-old girl, which made people's hearts move.

The moment Xiao Chifeng saw Si Kou Yao open the door and come out, a trace of fascination flashed in his eyes.

Oh, his little wife, no matter how many years have passed, she still has such a tender and lovely appearance. Every time he sees her, he wants to turn into a wolf, throw her down, and swallow her in one gulp Go in the stomach and become one with him.

This kind of idea has not changed for many years, and it will not get tired, but it will become stronger and stronger.

Si Kouyao met Xiao Chifeng's fiery eyes, couldn't help but wink at him, and teased him with a smile, "Why, haven't you eaten enough at noon?"

Xiao Chifeng's eyes darkened instantly, this little fairy will seduce him!See how he cleans up her when he goes back at night!
There was a smirk on his beautiful lips, "I'm not full, I'm going to have another good meal tonight, my wife, are you ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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