Chapter 834 Disarm and Surrender
Si Kouyao gave him an annoyed look, and said with a coquettish smile, "My lord, you must have been reincarnated as a hungry ghost in your previous life, otherwise, why would you be like this every day..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Xiao Chifeng slammed the wall against the wall, lowered her head and sealed her lips.

His wildness, his overbearing, and his aura instantly surrounded her tightly and drowned her in it.

After a long time, Si Kou Yao stretched out his hand and pushed him away, "You really are, I'm just kidding you, you're serious..."

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly with dissatisfaction: "I just want to prove to you that you are right. I miss you so much! I will always miss you so much!"

Si Kouyao was amused by his words and giggled, her smile was as bright as the morning glow, so fascinated by Xiao Chifeng that she couldn't even roll her eyes.

Xiao Chifeng whispered in her ear, "Honey, shall we go out later?"

Si Kouyao thought that the four little babies were still waiting for them, so she hurriedly said to him, "No! I have made an appointment with our babies, and I will pick them up after you get off work. That's all right, just calm down and calm down. I'll give you a big meal in the evening, okay?"

As soon as Xiao Chifeng heard that there was a big meal to eat in the evening, he rushed into the bathroom and washed his face with cold water.

This little daughter-in-law of his family is really like a tormenting little goblin!
Every time he meets her, he has no choice but to surrender!

He is the president of a majestic empire, but in front of her, he is completely powerless to resist!It's embarrassing to say it!

However, as long as the wife is happy.

Once the wife is happy, his benefits will be higher, and he can do whatever he wants...

After Xiao Chifeng washed his face, he walked out again, facing the smiling eyes of his boss Kou Yao, "Are you ready?"

Xiao Chifeng's ears felt a little hot from her laughter, and he hummed lightly, "Let's go!"

Xiao Chifeng told Sima Lin to go home again, and then teleported away with Si Kouyao.

Sima Lin shook his head and sighed, what a powerful couple!No one is invincible!

As soon as Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng's mental power was released, they picked up from the fourth child who was the first of the four children to leave school, until all four children were connected, and the whole family displayed teleportation skills, Back home together.

When Uncle Xu and Mama Sun saw the family coming back together, they immediately closed their eyes with smiles, and hurriedly brought tea and water, and served them attentively.

Si Kouyao said to the four little babies, "Babies, go wash your hands and get ready to eat!"

The little ones froze for a moment, and then said one by one, "So fast?"

"Mommy, did you make dinner early in the morning?"

"Hahaha, Mommy must have been prepared."

The fourth child said cutely, "I know, Mommy must have made a lot of things we love to eat, right? Mommy..."

Si Kouyao reached out and stroked the little head of the fourth child, "Yeah, you guessed it right, go wash your hands!"

While they were washing their hands, Si Kou Yao took out all the prepared dishes from the space.

The whole home is instantly filled with the mouth-watering aroma of delicious food.

Before eating, Si Kou Yao asked Uncle Xu again, "Where did the master and madam go?"

The Master and Madam that Si Kouyao said refers to Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling.

Xu Bo replied respectfully, "They all went out to meet friends in the afternoon, and they confessed that they would eat outside and not come back for dinner."

Si Kou Yao said lightly, "Then we won't wait any longer, babies, let's eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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