Chapter 837 Let's Divorce!
Chen Guangde looked hesitant...

Hu Xiaomei looked at him, and a stern light flashed in her eyes, "Chen Guangde, why are you still hesitating?"

Chen Guangde looked at his wife with a sad and angry face, and said, "My parents are still alive. If I leave, I may never come back."

Hu Xiaomei sneered, "Okay, if you don't want to part with your parents, it's like what your parents said, let's get a divorce! Go marry another woman and have a son, and I will immigrate with five daughters. Xing! Just as your family wished!"

Chen Guangde looked at his wife in shock, "Little sister, how can you think like this? We have been husband and wife for so many years, how can we get a divorce?"

Hu Xiaomei said sadly, "Chen Guangde, I have been married to you for so many years, and I am like a beast in your house. I have worked hard, beaten and scolded. I have had enough of these days."

"Having a daughter is not my business alone, but all the infamy and accusations are piled on my head. I live here, and I can't even lift my head. I work for your family, and I get What?"

"For more than ten years, I have been giving birth and working all the time. I have no dignity, no pride, like a walking dead. I live so desperate, so helpless, and so painful. Have you seen it?"

"Chen Guangde, I'm not afraid to tell you that if I hadn't heard the news, I would have thought about taking five children and drowning in the river tomorrow! You should be thankful that God has eyes, now that I'm taking the children to Before he died, he sent us such a great gospel!"

Chen Guangde was so shocked by Hu Xiaomei's painful narration that he was speechless.

After he reacted, seeing his wife's flowery face, only in her 30s, but already as old as a woman in her forties or fifties, his heart ached...

He looked at her, his eyes gradually turned red, and he murmured, "Little sister, I don't want to do this either. You should know that I am also doing my best. I want to work more, make more money, and let you I don't have a day to live a good life, so why can't you be considerate and considerate of me? Can't we continue to share weal and woe together?"

When Hu Xiaomei heard what he said, she smiled coldly, "Chen Guangde, I know, you are also very tired. You are sandwiched between your parents and me, and it is difficult to be a human being, so I say divorce, and I will relieve you. Let us mother and daughter be free, if you want to have a son, you can find another woman to give birth! I bless you! I sincerely bless you!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Xiaomei turned around and entered the house, quickly changed into a set of clothes, took some travel expenses, and rushed out of the house, heading towards the temporary alien office in the county.

She walked half running and half walking for more than an hour before reaching the county seat.

Even though it was ten years of cold winter, she was sweating profusely, and her inner clothes were all wet. When the cold wind blew, she could feel a bone-chilling chill entering her body.

But her heart is burning hot.

In such despair, she could hear such good news. For her, it was a chance that God gave her to start again.

She doesn't want to miss such an opportunity!
She must cherish such an opportunity!
She wants to take her five daughters out of this world where people look down on her.

She wants to lead her five daughters to a new world and a new life.

No matter who it is, don't try to stop her! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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