Chapter 838 Kung Fu pays off

This day is a historic day.

This day is also a day that is destined to be recorded in the annals of the Huatian Empire.

After the news was broadcast, all provinces and counties of the entire Huatian Empire temporarily mobilized manpower and set up extraterrestrial offices.

Even Si Kouyao didn't expect that the news would be so popular, and the high acceptance and yearning of the people on earth for the planet of the Barcelona Union was completely beyond her expectations.

And when Hu Xiaomei rushed to the X County Alien Office, there was already a sea of ​​people, and I don't know how many people surrounded it.

Some are asking about marriage, some are asking about immigration, and some are asking about the Barcelona Union planet...

Fearing that she would miss this opportunity, Hu Xiaomei used all her strength to squeeze forward desperately, and then squeeze forward...

The people who were squeezed by her scolded, "Why squeeze? Are you rushing to reincarnate?"

"Do you have eyes? Don't you see anyone in front of you?"

"Hey, which bastard pushed me? What the hell, you're courting death!"

No matter what others say or scold, Hu Xiaomei turns a deaf ear to it.

Now she has only one thought in her heart and eyes, she must rush to the front to sign up!Sign up!Sign up!
Hard work pays off!
Hu Xiaomei finally rushed in front of the staff, and said out of breath, "There are six women in my family, I want to sign up to go to an alien world!!!"

All the staff of the Alien Office have received instructions from above, but any family with many daughters who is willing to immigrate to an alien must be warmly received!If a staff member is found to be neglecting others or dereliction of duty, he will be severely punished!
This is also what Si Kouyao specifically reiterated repeatedly in consideration of the possibility that someone below might make a fool of himself, engage in malpractice for personal gain.

When the staff heard Hu Xiaomei said that there were six women in her family, they were shocked and asked hastily, "Who are the women in your family?"

She murmured in her heart, but don't be an old woman like an old woman, even if there are many such women, they don't want to wow!
Only Hu Xiaomei replied, "I am one, add my five daughters."

The staff looked at her in surprise, "Does your family agree?"

Hu Xiaomei said resolutely, "We can't live happily here anymore. If we can emigrate to an alien planet and start our lives again, it will be a blessing for the six of us, little sister, I beg you, Sign me up!"

When the female staff member heard what Hu Xiaomei said, she nodded immediately, "Okay, you can fill out the form first! Fill in the family information."

Hu Xiaomei took the report form handed over by the staff, and bowed again and again to thank you, "Okay, thank you, thank you, thank you..."

The staff looked at her and kept saying thank you, and felt a little embarrassed, and led her to a seat aside, "You just sit here and fill it out!"

Hu Xiaomei glanced gratefully at this handsome and good-looking staff member, and thanked again, "Thank you! You are such a kind person, good people will be rewarded! You will definitely be rewarded!"

The staff laughed, "Fill it quickly! There are still many people behind, so fill it in early."

Hu Xiaomei quickly responded, "Yeah, I'll fill it out right away..."

She grabbed the thin fountain pen with her rough hands, and carefully filled in the information about herself and the children stroke by stroke.

When filling in the information of her family members, Hu Xiaomei automatically ignored them all.

Even Chen Guangde's name was not written, completely leaving him behind.

(End of this chapter)

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