Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 839 Leaving This Disgusting Home

Chapter 839 Leaving This Disgusting Home
The staff received Hu Xiaomei's registration form and said to her, "There will be news within two days, so go home and wait!"

Hu Xiaomei walked out of the gate of the Alien Office, only to feel powerless all over, her feet went limp, and she fell down on the steps.

In the past few days, she didn't want to live anymore, she didn't even eat a few mouthfuls of food, thinking that she would starve to death like this.

But now, she doesn't want to die.

She has to live a good life, and live a good life with her five daughters.

With the hope of starting again, she felt that her stomach was growling with hunger. In addition to rushing all the way, it was all based on a wave of faith that kept her from falling down.

Now that the registration matter was finalized, she felt so hungry that her hands and feet went weak and her body was weak.

Hu Xiaomei stood up again, bought a piece of bread and a small bottle of water in a small shop next to her, and started eating like this.

After eating, she felt a little strength, so she stood up and hurried back home step by step.

By the time she walked home again, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Before she entered the door, she heard her mother-in-law yelling, "That plague chicken, the destitute girl, died this day, and I don't know how to come back. I don't know if she went outside to seduce a wild man. I'm going to fuck you!" !"

Later, Hu Xiaomei heard her mother-in-law say to Chen Guangde, "I said Guangde, such a woman can't give birth to a son, why do you keep her? You divorce me immediately!"

Chen Guangde's helpless voice reached her ears, "Mom, can you stop scolding?"

"You heartless thing, I didn't scold her for your own good. Get her out of this house quickly, and stop occupying the latrine. You won't be able to marry even if you want to."

Chen Guangde said weakly, "Mom, I won't get a divorce..."

"If you don't leave, you have to leave. I tell you, if you don't leave, we will sever the relationship between mother and child!"

"Mom, why are you forcing me?"

"Who made it impossible for you to have a son? It made me unable to hold my head up and be a man. I was ridiculed every day. My old face was lost. After I died, I would have no face to see my ancestors. I did this! What a crime, to give birth to such a useless son like you, oh, oh, oh..."

Hu Xiaomei smiled coldly, took a deep breath, and strode into the house.

Her mother-in-law was howling there, but as soon as she saw her enter the door, she rushed towards her and cursed loudly, "You loser, broom star, where did you die? The children didn't even look at it, did they?" Which wild man did you run out to hook?"

Hu Xiaomei ignored her, and heard the child in the room crying heart-piercingly, and no adults went to see it, only hearing the eldest daughter coaxing the child, her heart was even colder.

She only gave the evil mother-in-law a cold look, then went straight into the room, and closed the door with a "bang".

After her mother-in-law was taken aback for a moment, she cursed loudly again, "Chen Guangde, look, look at your wife, what kind of virtue is this, do you want to piss off my old lady, so you are willing? You are useless Things, useless things, useless things, I'll kill you, kill you, kill you..."

Chen Guangde seemed to have no pain, with a numb expression, letting his mother's fists rain down on him.

It wasn't until his mother was tired, that she fell to the ground and started crying again.

Hu Xiaomei first fed the baby who was flushed from crying on the bed, and then began to pack her things, preparing to leave this disgusting home at any time.

 PS: Good night everyone, if you have votes, please vote for one, please~
(End of this chapter)

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