Chapter 841 Family War Breakout 2
However, for the three older children, Chen Lanlan, Chen Tingting, and Chen Zhaozhao, who were already able to work, they didn't want to let them go, and they were reluctant to let them go.

Of course, they wanted these three children to stay, not because they felt sorry for them, but because they wanted them, the older children, to continue to contribute their light and warmth to their Chen family.

When they grow up in the future, they can still sell some money to squeeze out their last remaining value.

Hu Xiaomei sneered and said, "Why can't I take my children away? If I don't take them away, should I keep them to be abused by you? Folks, look at the wounds on my children... ..."

After Hu Xiaomei finished speaking angrily, she lifted up the clothes of her eldest daughter and second daughter, and saw that Chen Lanlan and Chen Tingting were covered with whips and bruises all over their backs. It was shocking to see.

The villagers nearby began to criticize the Chen family.

"This is too cruel! This is such a young child, he is not afraid of being beaten to death."

"Isn't that right? Lan Lan is so good. At such a young age, she works all day long. I haven't seen her spend a day off. My child is as old as her, and now he can't even cook."

"The children in my family are not the same. Compared with Lan Lan, they are far behind. For such a well-behaved and sensible child, they are willing to beat them to death. Their conscience is really eaten by dogs."

"This kind of villain will have retribution sooner or later."

When Hu Xiaomei's mother-in-law heard what the people next to her said, she roared angrily, "You bastards, gossips, what are you talking about? Our family's business is none of your business? I want you to mind your own business, get out of here ! Get out of here!!!”

The onlookers all looked at her with disdain, and smiled sarcastically, "I won't leave, what can you do?"

"Yes, if you have the guts, hit me!"

"That's right, you really think of yourself as an overlord, and you can run rampant in the village! Who do you think you are?"

"She can also clean up her daughter-in-law and a few children. If she dares to bully me, I will fight her!"

"That's right, who is afraid of whom..."

Hu Xiaomei's mother-in-law was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

She could only turn the gun around again, aiming at Hu Xiaomei who had already got into the car with the child, "Hu Xiaomei, you bitch, quickly put our Chen family's child down! Put it down! Put it down! Otherwise, old lady Fight with you!"

She yelled at her son again, "Guangde, go up quickly and pull the children down!"

The female staff member who was in charge of picking up people finally understood why Xiaomei Hu wanted to leave the house so urgently when she signed up that day after watching the show for a long time.

Without further ado, she took out her phone and called the police.

Today, alien marriage immigration has become the top priority of the Huatian Empire, and all departments are closely cooperating.

As soon as the national police from the Public Security Bureau received the call, they immediately dispatched the police, and arrived at the scene within 15 minutes.

Under the instructions of the staff, Chen Guangde and Chen's father and mother were handcuffed into the car and taken back to the police station.

The surrounding villagers looked at the faces of the Chen family members who were pale and trembling with fear after they were handcuffed. They couldn't help but gloated and said, "It's what they deserve! We should arrest them and lock them up for a few days. Introspect and reflect..."

The car carrying Hu Xiaomei's family of six also left slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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