Chapter 842 Earthshaking Changes

Thinking of finally leaving this place where she has lived for many years, Hu Xiaomei's eyes became hot and her heart felt hot.

Finally can leave!
After struggling and suffering here for so many years, I can finally leave today!
She opened the car window and waved goodbye to those kind folks, "Folks, thank you, goodbye!"

The folks also smiled back at her kindly, "Little sister, be well in the future!"

"Little sister, if you get rich, come back and visit us!"

"Little sister, have a good trip!"

"Yes, if I have a chance in the future, I will come back and take a look."

Although Hu Xiaomei said so, she knew in her heart that if their mother and daughter really immigrated to an alien planet, they might never come back.

What will happen to their future?
Although she dare not say how good it will be, she is sure that it will be better than now!

The car carrying their mother and daughter arrived at the Alien Office. The staff helped them arrange accommodation for the six mother and daughter, and also brought them meals and two sets of new clothes for each of them.

The children had never eaten such a rich and delicious meal since they were young, so they couldn't help eating it.

After Chen Lanlan took a bite, she took a piece of meat, brought it to the mother who was holding the little sister, and said to her, "Mom, you eat too!"

Hu Xiaomei opened her mouth to eat the meat her daughter had caught, and said with eyes full of emotion, "Lan Lan is so good! You and your sister eat first, and mother will eat later."

Chen Lanlan said sensiblely, "Then I'll keep it for my mother. After I finish eating, hold my sister and mother will eat."

Hu Xiaomei smiled and said, "Okay."

Since the children walked out of the house, their expressions became more relaxed.

After eating, the children soon found new clothes.

They looked excited and excited, and asked Hu Xiaomei, "Mom, are these beautiful new clothes for us?"

Hu Xiaomei nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, the big sister just sent it to us."

She told her eldest daughter again, "Lan Lan, after you finish eating in a while, take your younger sister in to wash your hair and take a bath. You have to be clean so that everyone likes you, you know?"

The country treats them so well and provides them with food and clothing for free, just to make them live better and dress better, so as to win glory in front of aliens, and don't go out to aliens, and lose the face of the earthlings.

The next day, with the assistance of the staff, Hu Xiaomei and Chen Guangde divorced.

The custody of the five daughters belongs to Hu Xiaomei.

Although Chen's father and Chen's mother regretted not being able to get any money, under the threats and warnings of the staff and the national police, they did not dare to be a demon again. Thinking that their son was finally single again, could marry again, and have a son, so they gave up. .

Chen Guangde looked at his wife who was gradually going away, but felt like his heart was gouged out, bleeding gurglingly, the pain made him want to cry...

But when he thought of the complaints and scolding from his parents, and the embarrassment of being laughed at for not having a son, he didn't have the courage to keep her anymore.

At this time, Chen's father, Chen's mother, and Chen Guangde never imagined that, with their poor families, coupled with divorce, old age, and patriarchal thoughts, in today's situation where there are so many single dogs, which girl would Marry into their house and be abused?
Until Chen's father and mother died of old age, Chen Guangde failed to marry a wife.

In the end, there was no one to see him die, and when he died, he had to be buried hastily by the clan and the village committee.

However, the lives of Hu Xiaomei and his five daughters have undergone earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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