Chapter 843 You think too much! ! !
Hu Xiaomei and her five daughters stayed in the guest house of the X County Alien Office for three days, and then boarded the train to Kyoto with other women who applied to immigrate to aliens.

Hu Xiaomei looked at so many women and girls, big and small, and from their dark and thin faces, it could be seen that many women and girls had similar unfortunate experiences to her.

Fortunately, they seized this rare opportunity to turn around in time, and with hope and expectation, they ran towards the future life full of happiness.

When they arrived in Kyoto, they stayed in the hotel for another three days. Hu Xiaomei and the others finally met Si Kouyao, the legendary wife of the president.

The first time Chen Lanlan saw Si Kou Yao, she was taken aback by Si Kou Yao's fairy-like appearance.

Then, she asked Hu Xiaomei innocently, "Mom, she looks so good-looking, she looks like a fairy from heaven and earth, is she a fairy?"

Hu Xiaomei immediately thought of the rumors she had heard these days.

They said that these women were able to come to Kyoto and emigrate to extraterrestrials because of the president's wife.

They also said that the president's wife was born in a family of immortal cultivators, and she is already a true immortal. She can shatter the void and cross planes, so she can contact and communicate with people from alien planets.

Because of her, they can change their destiny!

Thinking of this, Hu Xiaomei nodded to her daughter and said with a smile, "Yes, she is a fairy, a fairy sent down by God to save us!"

As Hu Xiaomei, the first group of 2000 women, is about to immigrate, there are also a lot of questioning and scolding on the Internet.

Cursing voice 1: "The ratio of male to female in the Huatian Empire is now out of balance, and some female immigrants are sent to aliens, or marry aliens, what will happen to the male singles in our country?"

"That is, who will take pity on us male singles? Who will help us solve the single problem?"

Cursing voice 2: "Since the president and the president's wife are so enthusiastic about solving the problem of alien reproduction, can you help the male single dogs in our empire solve the problem of getting married?"

Curse 3: "According to irresponsible speculation, does the Huatian Empire have any conspiracy? Do they want to use aliens to achieve the evil purpose of unifying the earth?"

Most of the last questioning and cursing came from some foreign news media.

For the above remarks, the Office of the Presidential Palace also responded quickly.

"In response to the above questions, our presidential office has two solutions. The first solution is to amend the relevant laws to provide more protection and protection for all women, and to give more support to families who have given birth to girls. Preferential measures and incentives fundamentally solve and improve women's status, chances of survival, and ability to work and live."

"The second plan, our government has researched a panacea for giving girls, which can be distributed free of charge to families who want to have daughters, so as to increase the birth rate of women as soon as possible and equalize the ratio of men to women."

"As for the last question, our Imperial President said something and asked me to pass it on to some people with ulterior motives. This sentence is——you think too much!!!"

With the release of this piece of news, the accompanying picture is a picture of Xiao Chifeng looking at someone with a haughty and cold face, and accompanied by this sentence, "You guys think too much!!!"

The netizens of the empire began to scream excitedly under this news...

(End of this chapter)

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