Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 844 The president is too clingy to his wife

Chapter 844 The president is too clingy to his wife

"Our president is so handsome! He is so domineering!"

"It's almost bloody from our president's tyrannical and ruthless drag! I want to lick the screen! Lick the screen! Lick the screen!"

"President, I love you!!!"

"President, I want to marry you!!!"

"Master President, you are my idol!!!"

Xiao Chifeng's stern and resolute appearance, his murderous eyes, his awe-inspiring majesty, and his incomparable and peerless demeanor have made countless men, women, young and old, regard him as a god.

And the object of worship of the people of the empire is currently pestering his wife at home.

Xiao Chifeng hugged Si Kouyao tightly, buried his head on her neck and shoulders, and said with a depressed face, "My wife, how long are you going this time?"

Si Kouyao replied with a smile, "Three to five days, good boy, after I send them there, I'll come back right away after finishing the work, okay?"

Xiao Chifeng muttered and said, "I think I'd better give back the presidential seat to my father, so that I can accompany you everywhere, instead of me pitifully guarding the vacant room at home, waiting for you every day." Come back, I am looking forward to your return, and I still worry about you, and I am afraid that something will happen to you outside..."

Si Kouyao glared at him angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, you've already taken that position, you can do it if you don't want to do it!"

Of course Xiao Chifeng knew this fact in his heart, but he really had no attachment to the presidency.

He would sit in that position only to fulfill his responsibilities as the heir to the royal family.

He really hoped that the four babies would grow up soon so that he could pass the throne to one of them and let the next generation work hard for the country.

At that time, he can accompany Si Kou Yao everywhere.

It's just that the four little ones are only over seven years old now, so he will have to wait at least another ten or eight years before the children can take over, right?
Ten years!Thinking about it feels long...

No matter how reluctant Xiao Chifeng is, this period of time is the key to the exchanges between the two planets, and Si Kouyao is destined to run on both sides.

There was nothing he could do, so he could only keep asking her for sex at night, non-stop all night long...

When it was dawn, Si Kou Yao stopped indulging him, "Okay, it's not the end of the world, let's save it for another day!"

Xiao Chifeng felt a little more at ease after being fed all night by her.

Finally, holding her, they flashed into the space, and the two of them played with each other in the Lingquan Pool again. After regaining their energy, they both flashed out.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Si Kouyao landed in the sky above Xiao's Grand Hotel in a flying car.

Hu Xiaomei and 2000 other women have been waiting on this rooftop.

When they saw Si Kou Yao's gorgeous flying car, they all exclaimed in their hearts, this flying car is really beautiful!

Si Kou Yao let them get into the car.

Hu Xiaomei and the others were still wondering, how could this flying car look so small, how could it hold so many people?

After she got into the car and walked in, she realized that the space inside was very large, just like a large private jet. It even had everything in the restaurant, which was more than enough to accommodate 2000 people.

The flying car slowly rises...

Hu Xiaomei and the others looked at the city below getting smaller and smaller, and all of them had hot eyes.

They are leaving the earth!
I don't know in the future... Will they have a chance to come back?

(End of this chapter)

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