Chapter 845
After Si Kouyao went up to the sky, she cast a blindfold and took them all into the space, making them think that she was flying in the starry sky.

She directly opened the plane channel, and through the plane teleportation array, she was directly teleported to the planet of the Basel Alliance.

When she arrived at the Basel Union planet, she summoned the flying car again.

This is also the fastest way she has come up with in the past few days to get between the two sides.

The first batch of Hu Xiaomei and the others were also screened out through layers of screening, and they must at least meet the following two conditions.

The first condition is: the whole family immigrant is female, and they are people who can leave the earth without any worries.

The second condition is: those who are good-looking, at least they must be handsome, and the priority is to have good facial features. If they are really the first batch, they will send some crooked melons and bad dates to them. Take it lightly!
Hu Xiaomei's mother and daughter are pretty handsome. If you take some time to raise them, they may look even better than they are now. Therefore, there are six members of their family in the first batch of immigrants.

Hu Xiaomei and her family felt very novel about everything in the air speeder, and even a robot served them drinks.

However, they only drank a cup of tea here, and they heard Si Kouyao's voice saying, "Fellow folks, we have arrived at the planet of the Barcelona Union, your new world has opened, and a new life is about to usher in .”

"I'm sure you all know that this is a world where there are more men than women and women are very rare, and they have perfect protection for women, so you don't have to worry about having a hard time here. What if you really encounter abuse? Yes, you can complain directly to the Union Government, or to the supervisory office located here on our planet."

"Next, I will send you a universal translator. As long as you wear this universal translator, you will be able to understand what they are saying. So, don't worry, just accept life here with peace of mind."

"As for how to integrate into the society here, you may have to use a little more brains and thoughts. No matter what, I hope that you can have a happy, happy and happy life here."

At this time, a pretty woman asked timidly, "Madam President, if we are not used to staying here, can we apply to return to China?"

Si Kouyao thought for a while, glanced at everyone, and replied with a serious face, "Before you came here, you all signed a letter of agreement that you would stay here forever. I hope you can live here, but If you really don’t want to stay here, you can also submit an application to the Earth’s supervisory office to return to your country, and we will handle it according to the situation, but it’s not certain whether you can pass it. Do you understand?”

The girls nodded in unison.

Si Kouyao asked them again, "Do you have any questions? You can ask them all."

As soon as she finished speaking, someone asked again, "Madam President, do the men here beat people?"

Si Kou Yao lightly smiled and said, "Don't worry, women are rare treasures here, and it's too late for you to be rare. How can you beat someone? Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If there are men who dare to do something to you, you will sue them." Complaints, I told you just now, you can complain to the Alliance Government or the Earth Supervision Office, the law here is to sentence men who hurt women to prison and severely punish them, you don’t have to worry.”

(End of this chapter)

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