Chapter 856

Fan Yu's face turned pale, and he cursed in a low voice, "Damn, which bitch dares to stop us?"

Si Kou Yao asked softly, "Fan Yu, what's going on?"

She released her mental power, and found that Fan Yu's hovering speed car had been surrounded by eight speeding cars that had the appearance of a hovering speed car, but were surrounded by air battleships inside.

Why is there such a loophole in their territory?Who is it?
Fan Yu turned on the loudspeaker and asked sharply, "I am Fan Yu from the Fan Family, who are you? Why are you stopping us?"

The voice of the other party sounded, "Master Fan San, I'm sorry, I'm the leader of Planet Wake of Senna Planet. After we heard the news that Yaoyao True God sent you many original pure-blooded females, we wanted to invite her Come to our Senna planet to be a guest."

The Milky Way Basel Union planet is a union planet composed of [-] planets.

The planet where Fan Yu is located is called Baka Planet.

Among the eighteen alliance stars, Baka is the largest and most powerful planet.

The overall strength of Senna Star is ranked second.

Wick, the planet leader of Planet Senna, has always wanted to replace Star Bacca as the leader of the alliance, but he has not been able to get what he wants.

When Fan Yu heard Wick's words, he snorted coldly, "If you want to invite True God Yaoyao to be a guest, then please do so well. What is this now? Coercion?"

The voice of the leader of Planet Wake sounded again, "I have already submitted an application to your father, His Excellency Fan Jinhao, and through a summons, I want to invite True God Yaoyao to visit our Senna Planet with 12 points of sincerity, but unfortunately, you My father is too stubborn, wanting to control True God Yaoyao in his hands and not give us other planets a chance, we are forced to make some bad decisions, please forgive San Shao Fan and True God Yaoyao!"

Fan Yu chuckled lightly, "Then what if we disagree?"

Captain Wick replied in a deep voice, "Then please forgive me for being rude!"

Fan Yu sternly shouted, "Wick, don't forget, you are on our territory now, if you dare to touch us, we will still keep you from getting out of Baka Star."

The head of Planet Wake also lowered his face, and his tone became even more stern, "Master Fan San, why are you so bullying? True God Yaoyao is not a private member of your family, she belongs to the true god of our entire alliance planet Is it too much for you to hold her in this way and prevent her from talking to us?"

When Si Kouyao saw what they were talking about, she said to Fan Yu calmly, "Fan Yu, please invite him to the Union Mansion as a guest, and I will have a talk with him."

Fan Yu was a little unhappy, as if his things were about to be robbed.

But he didn't dare to disobey Si Kouyao's words, for fear of offending her, and she would be in big trouble if she refused to come here again.

Therefore, Fan Yu said to Wick, "True God Yaoyao has promised to talk to you, please step aside, I will take you to the office of the Alliance Mansion, and you will have a formal meeting with God Yaoyao."

The purpose of Wick stopping here today was to have a meeting with Si Kouyao. He only wanted to solve the problem, and he didn't want to tear himself apart with the people of Planet Baka at this time.

He immediately said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Wick gave an order, and the air battleships surrounding them separated to the two sides, leaving a place for Fan Yu's hovering vehicle to pass.

Fan Yu was very upset, so he increased the power of the flying car and flew out with a "whoosh".

Captain Wake had a serious face, and led a group of subordinates to follow quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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