Chapter 857 Fighting For Her 2
When they flew to the office of the Union Mansion, Fan Yu used a communicator to contact his father, Fan Jinhao, and explained the situation they were facing now.

Fan Jinhao was so angry that he scolded Wick for being shameless.

Even if he has selfish intentions, so what?
True God Yaoyao was originally contacted by Fan Yu from their family, even if he cared about his own planet first, what's wrong?
Is it benevolence and righteousness to ask them to starve their stomachs and give you their own food?

No matter how much Fan Jinhao slandered, scolded, or complained in his heart, this Wick is now at the door of his house, and he must find a way to solve this matter.

Wick's Senna planet has always wanted to find a chance to fight with their Bacca star, but because of the alliance agreement, the overall strength of the planet, and other issues, they have been suppressed and have not done anything.

Fan Jinhao originally thought to solve the problems of his own planet first, and then let Si Kouyao help other planets.

But now it seems that the people on these planets can't wait any longer.

Not only Planet Senna has repeatedly asked to talk to Si Kou Yao, but even the other sixteen planets have sent such pleas to him more than once.

Regarding the issue of human reproduction on various planets, no planet leader will take it lightly, and will definitely treat it with the highest standard of response.

If they really pushed them into a hurry and kept them away from contact with the True God Yaoyao, I'm afraid they would really jump over the wall in a hurry.

Fan Jinhao immediately asked people to go down to prepare. He was going to receive the True God Yaoyao and the leader of Planet Wake of Planet Senna.

When Si Kouyao, Fan Yu, and Captain Wick of Planet Senna arrived at the gate of the Alliance Mansion, Fan Jinhao had already led his subordinates there to wait.

Fan Yu parked the hoverboard in the dedicated parking lot of the Union Mansion.

He got off the flying car first, and then opened the car door for Si Kouyao, "Yaoyao, we're here, get out of the car!"

Si Kou Yao said, "Thank you."

She got out of the car and looked up at this towering skyscraper. Although it was not the first time she came here, every time she came, the heavily guarded high-tech technology would still bring her a spiritual feeling. shocked.

She really wants to move all these high-tech technologies back to the earth.

Immortal cultivation combined with a powerful combination of high technology can definitely kill all empires on the earth in a flash.

Even if there is an alien invasion, they can effectively defend and counterattack.

But these things cannot be done in one step.

She has to take her time, introducing hovercraft, robots, and air battleships first, and then slowly introducing other technologies.

One day, she will make the Huatian Empire a super powerful empire, so that the people of the empire can live in a safe, efficient, and well-paid environment, and live a healthy and happy life.

Fan Yu watched Si Kou Yao staring at the office building of the Alliance Mansion, as if deep in thought.

Seeing that Wick and the others got off the speeding car, he said softly to Si Kou Yao, "Yao Yao, we should go."

Si Kou Yao came back to her senses, and smiled at Fan Yu, "Then let's go!"

At this moment, Captain Wake shouted, "God Yaoyao, please wait a moment!"

Si Kou Yao looked back.

I saw a tall and mighty middle-aged man leading four men and women walking towards her quickly.

Fan Yu introduced to her in a low voice, "The one who walks in the front is Wick, the planet leader of Planet Senna."

Wick walked up to Si Kouyao, bowed respectfully to her with a ninety-degree bow, and introduced himself, "I am Wick, the planetary leader of Senna Star. It is a great honor to meet Yaoyao, please accept me. Highest respect!"

(End of this chapter)

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