Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 858 Some people just owe a lesson

Chapter 858 Some people just owe a lesson
As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face with your hand.

Wick, the planet leader of Star Senna, showed such a lowly and respectful attitude towards Si Kou Yao when they met, naturally Si Kou Yao couldn't show a bad face towards him.

She smiled lightly, "President Wake is welcome, please!"

Wick stretched out his hand and pointed slightly, "God Yaoyao, please first!"

Si Kouyao took the lead and walked in front, accompanied by Fan Yu on the right.

Wick led his four subordinates and followed behind her, as if willing to be her follower.

Fan Jinhao saw Wick's low profile from a distance, and couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, "Old fox! You can put on a show!"

Fan Jinhao was very displeased with this Wick who used coercive means to coerce others to obey him.

He pretended not to see Wick, but warmly greeted Si Kouyao, "God Yaoyao, you are here, please come inside!"

After greeting Si Kouyao, Fan Jinhao looked at Wick lukewarmly, and said sarcastically, "Planet Leader Wick, you are so majestic today! How dare you kidnap True God Yaoyao, I think this order The shocking news will definitely be liked by many people, such as the Alliance News Bureau and Starnet Hot News, as well as those Star People who love our True God Yaoyao..."

Planet Leader Wick counterattacked coldly without showing any weakness, "If I hadn't been forced by Planet Leader Fan Jinhao, I would not have made such a bad move. Since Planet Leader Fan Jinhao is not afraid of making a fool of himself and wants to be on the news, then I, Wick I will accompany you to the end!"

When Si Kouyao heard them arguing at the gate, she was not afraid that others would hear the joke, so she couldn't help lowering her pretty face and scolding in a soft voice, "Do you still want to go in and talk? If you don't want to go in, just let me know." Go now, so you don't waste everyone's time!"

When Fan Jinhao and Wick saw that Si Kouyao was angry, they glared at each other and shut their mouths.

But a young man in military uniform who was following Wick took a deep look at Si Kouyao, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, as if he was blaming her for not treating Wick who they respected like a father like this. The planet is long.

Si Kou Yao's mental strength was terrifyingly strong, and she instantly sensed the young officer's dissatisfaction.

She didn't say anything, just cast a mental coercion on him.

The young officer instantly felt a powerful threat, which made his soul tremble, and soon he was on the verge of death.

He is very sure that if the other party intensifies the mental coercion, his brain can be exploded and destroyed in minutes.

Just when he was shocked, he heard Si Kou Yao's voice coldly sounded in his mind, "If you want to ask someone, just put away your claws and lower your posture, otherwise, I don't mind chopping it up for you." it!"

The young officer's face instantly turned white, and he immediately put away his arrogance and became more disciplined.

Si Kou Yao watched him lower his haughty head, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Some people just owe a lesson, they have to bump into the south wall before turning back, and only cry when they see the coffin.

Fan Jinhao and Wick also noticed the movement between Si Kouyao and the young officer.

Fan Jinhao smiled coldly, with sarcasm in his eyes.

Wick, on the other hand, resented his subordinates for not living up to expectations, and caused trouble for him at this time.

He reprimanded several subordinates loudly, "All of you show me some respect, if anyone offends the True God Yaoyao, let's see how I deal with you when I go back!"

Wick said this on purpose to Si Kou Yao, hoping to save some of their impression points in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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