Chapter 860 Really Strong, Strong
"The purpose of my meeting with the True God Yaoyao is nothing more than to get some primitive pure-blooded females from the hands of the True God Yaoyao. As long as I can get the original pure-blooded females, no matter what conditions are required, the True God Yaoyao is welcome. Bring it up, we Star Senna will definitely do our best to meet the requirements of True God Yaoyao!"

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes slightly, and replied lightly, "I really can't think of what I need now, money, status, power, I have all these! Captain Wake, besides these, what else can you use to impress me?" I?"

Wick was speechless for a moment...

yes!She has everything, what are they going to use to impress her?
Si Kou Yao continued, "To be honest, I came to this planet across planes entirely because of Fanyu. If it wasn't for Fanyu, I wouldn't have come here. Helping Baka Star improve the status quo of human reproduction is also I do it on a whim."

"As for whether you want to help your other planets, it depends entirely on my mood. If you want to use violence to conquer me, then I can only say that you are too naive!"

"The so-called top masters here, in my hands, can't even pass a single move, and still want to use violence against me? Hehe, if you really dare to do this, if you really want to court death, I don't mind giving you a ride !"

Hearing Si Kouyao's harsher and more unkind words, Wick felt as if someone had been doused in a large basin of ice water in the cold weather, his whole body was cold and icy cold to the bone.

Si Kou Yao didn't need to deliberately exert pressure on the not-too-high-cultivated planet leader Wick, just the unintentional eruption of true immortal coercion, which already made Wick's soul feel extremely fearful and trembling.

It wasn't until Si Kou Yao withdrew his aura that Wick felt as if he had come alive.

At this moment, he really wanted to run away.

But thinking of the people on Planet Senna who are eager to get females to carry on the family and reproduce human beings, Wick can only bite the bullet and stick to it.

And after Si Kouyao gave them two dismounts, Wick's posture became even lower.

"True God Yaoyao, as long as you promise to provide us with the original pure-blooded female, really, no matter what conditions you ask, we will agree! For the reproduction of our human beings, God Yaoyao, please give us a little hope!"

Speaking of this, Wick actually knelt down to her and bowed devoutly three times.

Si Kou Yao was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Wick would go so far in order to get this primitive pure-blooded female.

Moreover, she could feel that this time, Wick had surrendered to her from the bottom of his heart, and was no longer duplicity.

Should she help him?
Si Kouyao was thinking about it, and Fan Jinhao on the side also looked at her nervously.

What Fan Jinhao is most worried about is that if Si Kouyao softens her heart and really wants to help Senna Star provide the original pure-blooded females, will she transfer the original pure-blooded females originally intended for them to Senna Star? ?

After all, blame this damned Wick.

This dead old fox is full of bad water, every time he appears, there will be no good things, he really wants to shoot him to death.

Si Kouyao saw that Wick had been kneeling there and didn't get up, so she said to him, "Get up first! Let me think about it."

After finishing speaking, she waved lightly at Wick, and Wick instantly felt an invisible force that lifted his kneeling body up.

Si Kou Yao, however, was still sitting at the main seat, and just waved her hand.

Wick felt another shock in his heart.

This Yaoyao is a god, really strong, very strong...

(End of this chapter)

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