Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 861 Find a way to please her

Chapter 861 Find a way to please her
Although Wick was lifted up by Si Kou Yao, he still didn't dare to sit down, and stood there anxiously, like a child who had made a mistake, waiting for his parents' judgment.

Si Kouyao thought for a while, and then said to him, "Planet Wake, you should take your people back first! There is always a first-come-first-served way in everything, and when I finish solving the problems on Star Bacca, if time Allow me to deal with your affairs when I have a chance."

Captain Wake looked at Si Kou Yao, hesitant to speak.

When Si Kouyao saw his appearance, she knew what he was thinking.

He was afraid that what she said was just perfunctory to him, but he didn't dare to question her decision, so he put on this pitiful look that he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

Si Kouyao said to him seriously again, "Don't worry, I will take time to visit you at that time, if I can solve your problem, I will help you solve it; If you can't meet my requirements and conditions, then don't blame me."

Hearing Si Kouyao's supplementary words, the head of Planet Wake breathed a sigh of relief, and assured her with a serious face, "As long as the true God Yaoyao is willing to go to our place, no matter what the result is, we will not There are objections."

Si Kouyao nodded, and expressed her appreciation for Captain Wake's sense of humor, "Okay, that's it, you guys go back first!"

Planet Leader Wake didn't dare to say any more, so he bowed to Si Kou Yao, and quickly retreated.

He recruited the four subordinates who accompanied him, and together they took their speeding car and flew towards Senna star.

On the speeding car, Dean asked Captain Wake in a deep voice, "Master Planet, then we can only wait like this?"

Planet Leader Wick glanced at him coldly, and scolded sharply, "Otherwise, what else do you want? I haven't taught you a lesson yet, if you hadn't shot some cold arrows at True God Yaoyao for no reason, she would have acted like this." Are you angry? When you go back, you will confine me for seven days and reflect on yourself."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Dean's sharp-edged handsome face.

I will attack God Yaoyao because she is disrespectful to you!I didn't know that she was so powerful that she couldn't be provoked, otherwise, I wouldn't be so stupid.

Although he was very unconvinced in his heart, he still obediently responded, "Yes!"

Captain Wick also knows that waiting like this is a test of patience.

But after they were rectified by Si Kouyao a few times, he was completely convinced, and he didn't dare to have a different heart, let alone touch her.

Just like Si Kou Yao said, if they dare to plot against her, they must bear the consequences of her revenge.

Captain Wick knows that that is definitely not a result they can afford!

Therefore, no matter how unwilling they were, they had no choice but to obediently obey her orders and wait for her arrival.

Maybe, their attitudes are better, this Yaoyao God can look at them high, and help them solve their problems earlier.

After returning to Planet Senna, Captain Wake immediately summoned his confidants and staff, and told them in detail what happened today.

Then, he asked them again, is there any good solution?
Among them, several suggestions put forward by Buton, the chief executive of Planet Senna, were deeply approved by the head of Planet Wake.

(End of this chapter)

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