Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 873 It's too late to love you

Chapter 873 It's too late to love you
When Xiao Chifeng heard her words, he frowned directly, "Aren't you supposed to be on the alliance planet? Why did you suddenly go to the plane of Datang again?"

At this moment, Si Kouyao suddenly remembered that she came here out of the blue, and she didn't tell Xiao Chifeng, no wonder this man looked unhappy again.

She quickly looked at him flatteringly and smiled and said, "Oh, Chi, you don't know that the demand for women on that alliance planet is really too great. I came here to find someone to buy some women, and then , send it to the alliance planet!"

Then, she changed the subject again, "I said Chi, can you pay attention to what I said? I want you to guess, who did I meet here?"

Xiao Chifeng's eyes flashed, and he asked her in a deep voice, "This person is very important to you? Are you happy to see him?"

Si Kou Yao nodded her head vigorously, "Hmm..."

Xiao Chifeng thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out who she would know in the Datang plane?
Finally, he gave up, "I can't guess, you should just say it!"

Si Kou Yao had a look of "I know you can't guess".

She coughed lightly and said solemnly, "The person I met here is Dang Dangdang, his name is Gong Chen! Gong Chen! Gong Chen!"

After Si Kouyao finished speaking, she stared at Xiao Chifeng's reaction.

Sure enough, as she expected, Xiao Chifeng's eyes widened instantly in shock, and he asked incredulously, "Yaoyao, you must have misjudged the wrong person, right?"

Si Kou Yao shook his hand at him with a smile, and said with a terrified expression, "I am not dazzled, and I did not recognize the wrong person. I was chatting with Gong Chen just now. Let me tell you, Gong Chen was reborn in someone else's soul. On the body, commonly known as crossing another world, reviving the dead, understand?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "Go on!"

Si Kouyao went on to say, "The original body that Gong Chen traveled through was still a prince. This prince himself married a princess and had a son and a daughter. Gong Chen also picked up a wife and two children for nothing. See what he said. When you think of her wife, you should love her very much."

"Also, I asked him if he would return to Earth, and he said no. He said that he was afraid that his parents would scare them when they saw him become what he is now. What do you think of this?"

Xiao Chifeng said lightly, "You can let him do whatever he wants. Everyone has their own way of life. Since you asked him and he said so, don't meddle in your own business anymore. It's okay. If so, come back to me quickly, your husband and I are still at home guarding the vacant room, waiting for you to come back to comfort me!"

Si Kouyao instantly thought of the intensity and lingering when the two of them were having sex, and couldn't help but feel the heat in their ears and face.

She coquettishly said softly, "What nonsense are you talking about? You think of me to accompany you and accompany you all day long, sticking together every day, don't you get tired of it?"

Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly and said, "Of course I don't get tired of it. I wish I could stick with you every day and become conjoined twins! Why, are you tired of me?"

When Si Kouyao saw that this man started to fight like a child again, she quickly coaxed him and said, "Why am I getting bored? I can't even love you enough!"

Xiao Chifeng snorted softly, "You're smart! Tell me, when are you going to sneak out before going home?"

Si Kou Yao glanced at him, "Didn't you agree that you won't be home until three days later! Why are you in such a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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