Chapter 874
Xiao Chifeng snorted, and a trace of warning flashed across his stern face, "If I don't stare at you a little bit, you won't want to leave outside."

Si Kouyao grinned, "Where is it, Mr. Husband, you are worrying too much! After talking for three days, I promise to go home in three days, and I will do what I say."

Xiao Chifeng glanced at her, looking at her charming appearance with a smiley face, even if he felt dissatisfied in his heart, he couldn't lose his temper, "You, what should I do with you?"

Si Kou Yao winked at him and coaxed him, "When I go back, I can do whatever you want, okay?"

When Xiao Chifeng was hooked by her, the bottom of his deep and bright eyes instantly became dark, and the gaze he stared at her became extremely fiery.

"Honey, stop teasing me!"

"If you tease me again, I'm going to lose control!"

Seeing Xiao Chifeng's sad face, Si Kouyao couldn't help laughing again.

Then, she said seriously, "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I still have something to do here, I have to deal with it quickly, so I can go back sooner!"

Xiao Chifeng only heard her last sentence to go back earlier, and stopped pestering her, "Okay, then you can do your work, wife, remember to think of me!"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Yeah, I will miss you!"

"My wife I love you!"

"Honey, I love you too!"

After the two finished talking nastyly, Si Kouyao saw that he hadn't moved or hung up the summons, so she just looked at her like that.

She had no choice but to be ruthless first and cut off the communication between the two of them.

She sighed, cleared up her mood, quickly closed the flying car, and dodged into the space.

She turned on the plane channel and began to contact the little lady of Tang Dynasty, "Little lady, are you there? I have something to ask you!"

After waiting for a while, the little lady of Datang didn't respond.

Si Kouyao had no choice but to let Xiao Xiao stare at him first.

She mentally scanned the thousands of people who were arranged to eat and live in the training building, and saw that most of them were sleeping, and there were a few who were not asleep and were gathering and chatting there.

And the person they were talking about was her, Si Kou Yao.

"You say, the master who bought us is really a fairy?"

"It must be a fairy. Look at her. With just a wave of your hand, we have been transferred from Ren Yazi to this place. Can ordinary people have this ability?"

"Yes, with this master, we can eat enough, drink enough, have a place to sleep, and have new clothes to wear. If she wasn't a fairy, how could we encounter such a beautiful thing?"

"Then she is too kind, isn't she? She bought so many people and didn't let us do anything. What does this fairy want to do? I always feel a little worried. She won't kill us, right?"

"What are you worrying about? Now that it's here, let's be safe. How can we live worse than before? Don't think about it. Seeing the beautiful and friendly appearance of the fairy, it can't be murder. madman."

"You're right, I was thinking too much!"

When Si Kouyao heard their conversation, she turned around and told Dumb that after these people woke up, hold a meeting for them and the little beggars, and tell them that she wanted to take them away so that they would not have to think about it here. I don't know where to go.

Dumb nodded "Yes".

Si Kouyao saw that the little lady of the Tang Dynasty hadn't responded yet, so she jumped into the Lingquan Pool again and began to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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