Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 901 The choice of Gong’s father and Gong’s mother 2

Chapter 901 The choice of Gong’s father and Gong’s mother 2
When Si Kouyao heard what they said, she smiled gratifiedly, "That's good, that's good, how about this, Gong Dad, Gong Mom, you two sit down first, I'll show you Brother Gong Chen's video have a look!"

"Okay, okay, okay..." Gong's father and Gong's mother hurriedly sat down on the sofa side by side.

Si Kou Yao took out her plane communicator.

She used her mind to send the sound to Xiaoxiao to send the warm pictures of Gong Chen and her acquaintance, as well as the videos of Gong Chen's family, to the interplanetary communicator, and then she sent the holographic images to Father Gong and Gong Chen. Mom played it.

When Gong's father and Gong's mother began to see their son's changed appearance, even though the current Gong Chen was more handsome than the original him, they still felt a little uncomfortable.

But when Gong Chen and Si Kou Yao talked, they found traces of Gong Chen from his son's tone of voice and expression.

Gong's father and Gong's mother kept wiping away their tears, especially when they saw Gong Chen introducing his family to Si Kouyao, Gong's father and Gong's mother covered their mouths with their hands, sobbing...

Si Kou Yao also had wet eyes, poor parents all over the world!
After watching Gong Chen's holographic image, Si Kou Yao waited for them to calm down a bit, and then asked them, "Papa Gong, Mama Gong, do you want to go to Gong Chen's side? He told me that if you are willing to go and If he is reunited, let me pick you up. If you don’t want to go there, he will bring his family to see you..."

Gong's father and Gong's mother responded excitedly, "Where Gong Chen wants to be, we will be there!"

Si Kou Yao asked again, "What about Gong Xin? Do you think you should tell her about Gong Chen?"

"Gong Xin?"

A trace of hesitation flashed across the faces of Gong's father and Gong's mother, and they didn't reply for a long time.

After a long time, Gong's mother sighed, "This child is really disappointing! But after all, she is the flesh that fell from our body, let us ignore her completely, and this heart can't get over this hurdle, alas..."

Si Kouyao understood Mama Gong's feelings of hating iron but not steel very well.

Although more than eight years have passed, this Gong Xin has not improved at all.

She is still so vain, and still yearns for the prosperous life in the capital.

In order to live a good material life, she shamelessly took the initiative to be the concubine of a rich businessman, that is, mistress, and gave birth to an illegitimate daughter for that rich businessman.

A few years ago, she was beaten badly by the ex-wife of the rich businessman, but she still did not repent.

Gong's parents and Gong's mother were heartbroken by her, and they said that if she was someone else's concubine again, they would no longer recognize her as a daughter.

Gong Xin was still very stubborn, she accepted this way to death, she couldn't even listen to her parents' threats, she didn't care at all, on the contrary, she felt that her parents didn't support her, didn't understand her, after arguing with her parents, she actually really None of them came home.

When Gong's father and Gong's mother mentioned this daughter, they called it a crime.

It was also their child, but their son was so good, why did this daughter grow crooked?
In the end, it was Gong's father who said, "Don't tell her about it, anyway, she doesn't pay much attention to the two of us now, and only cares about herself. After we are reunited with Chen'er, we will ask Chen about it." My son's opinion, let's decide at that time!"

Si Kou Yao also nodded, "That's fine too, Dad Gong, Mom Gong, you wait, I'll contact Gong Chen right now, talk to Gong Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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