Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 902 Thinking about him every day!

Chapter 902 Thinking about him every day!

After hearing this, Gong's father and Gong's mother said in surprise, "Huh? Now we can talk to Gong Chen?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Well, after a while, you can talk when the connection is connected."

When Gong Chen's communicator turned on, he immediately pressed the green connect button according to the connection method Si Kouyao taught him.

As soon as the holographic image came out, Gong Chen immediately saw his long-lost parents.

Looking at his parents who were already gray at the temples, and looking at their aged faces, Gong Chen was distressed and excited, his eyes were red, and he choked up and shouted, "Dad, Mom, I'm Chen'er... ..."

Gong's father and Gong's mother looked at the holographic image of Gong Chen, who seemed real and unreal, with tears rolling down their eyes.


"My morning son..."

Both of them stretched out their hands to Gong Chen in the holographic image, as if they wanted to reach out and caress his face, to see if all this is true?Are they dreaming?
Gong's father and Gong's mother and son looked at each other with teary eyes separated by time and space. They clearly had thousands of words to say, but they didn't know where to start. There were only tears of excitement and joy falling down non-stop.

In the end, it was Gong Chen who came to his senses first.

He reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and asked his parents with a smile, "Dad, Mom, how have you all been all these years?"

Gong's father and Gong's mother nodded repeatedly, "Okay, we are all good, we are all good..."

There is still a word they haven't said, that is--they miss him every day!

But even if they didn't say it, Gong Chen knew about it.

Looking at the faces of his parents who have aged so much, his heart hurts, and he really wants to kneel in front of his parents and plead guilty!

In fact, when he thought this way, he knelt down and said to his parents with sobs, "Dad, Mom, it's my son's unfilial piety that made you suffer. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

When Gong's father and Gong's mother saw the son kneeling down in the holographic image, both of them were eager to help him.

But their hands passed through the transparent image, and they couldn't touch Gong Chen's body at all, and couldn't help crying with sadness.

"Chen'er, get up, get up!"

"Chen'er, get up quickly, you are trying to make us sad, don't you?"

After Gong Chen kowtowed three times, he stood up.

Gong's father and Gong's mother looked at the red blood mark on his forehead from kowtow, and burst into tears again.

They really didn't expect that such a fantasy thing would actually happen to their son.

If it is really as the President's wife said, this is a good man will be rewarded, right?So after the son is reincarnated, he will have the original memory and have such a noble status, right?
Gong Chen looked at his parents and asked them, "Dad, Mom, would you like to come over to my side? Let Hui Niang and I take care of your retirement, and you can also tease your grandchildren, they are all cute, yes Yes, Congcong said, the two children have the spiritual root of cultivating immortals, she wants to take them as disciples!"

When Gong's father and Gong's mother heard what their son said, they wanted to run to his side as soon as possible.

They all said together, "Chen'er, whichever side you choose to stay, we will stay with you!"

Gong Chen replied, "Then you wait there first, I plan to bring Hui Niang and the children back with her when Congcong comes over next time, and then we can discuss it, okay?" ?”

 PS: Good night everyone, see you tomorrow!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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