Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 905 Being Small 3 Didn't End Well 3

Chapter 905 Being a mistress does not end well 3
After Si Kouyao and the four little babies entered the house, they saw that there was no one around, so they closed the door, revealing their figures.

The little girl's name was Cheng Lan, and she was only three years old in two months. She was at the age of innocence, cuteness and cuteness.

When she saw a woman as beautiful as a fairy suddenly appearing in the room, and four good-looking little brothers, she stopped crying instantly.

She blinked cutely with her big eyes that were still full of tears, and looked at the five of them mother and child with a cute face. Si Kou Yao's heart softened instantly with her cute and cute appearance.

She walked up to Cheng Lan, squatted down, reached out and rubbed her little head lightly, and said softly, "Little friend, is your name Lan'er?"

Xiao Lan'er nodded cutely, and responded delicately, "Yes, my name is Lan'er."

Then, the little girl looked at her mother again, stretched out her small hand, gently took Si Kouyao's hand, and begged, "Pretty auntie, can you save my mother?"

Si Kouyao reached out and stroked her head gently, "Okay, Auntie will save your mother right away, don't worry!"

As soon as Xiao Lan'er heard Si Kou Yao say that she would save her mother, a bright smile instantly appeared on that cute little face.

Even though there were still some obvious bruises on her little face from the beating, the innocence and trust in her smile still couldn't be erased.

Xiao Lan'er was still looking at Si Kou Yao with envious eyes, and said sweetly with her small mouth, "Thank you pretty auntie!"

Children's hearts are the purest, and Xiao Lan'er can also feel the kindness and affinity emanating from Si Kou Yao.

She felt that she liked this beautiful aunt very much, and felt that if this beautiful aunt said she could save her mother, she would definitely be able to save her mother!

Si Kou Yao did not disappoint her either.

After she comforted Xiao Lan'er, she directly performed the advanced healing technique, which also healed the other injuries on Gong Xin's head and body.

Xiao Lan'er watched as Si Kou Yao's hands were performing advanced healing techniques, green balls of light suddenly appeared one after another.

Then, after those green light balls fell on her mother's body, her mother's injury healed.

Xiao Lan'er thought of the scene in the fantasy TV series, and immediately asked innocently, "Pretty auntie, are you a fairy?"

Si Kou Yao winked playfully at her, and said with a smile, "Yes! Auntie is a fairy."

Xiao Lan'er immediately looked at her with admiration and said, "Wow, beautiful auntie, you are so amazing!"

Si Kou Yao was amused by this child and giggled, "Good boy, as long as you study hard, you will be as good as Auntie in the future!"

Xiao Lan'er asked innocently, "Really?"

Looking at the hope in her eyes, Si Kou Yao nodded seriously to her with an encouraging face, "Really!"

Xiao Lan'er immediately grinned, "It's great! I can be as good as the beautiful aunt in the future! Giggle, giggle..."

The little girl's innocent laughter echoed in the room.

And Gong Xin, who was lying on the ground, also quietly opened his eyes.

When she saw Si Kou Yao and the four little princes in front of her, her eyes widened in shock.

The next moment, she sat up abruptly, and with a little inferiority complex and resentment, she asked in a startled voice, "Madam President, why are you here?"

Si Kouyao snorted softly, and looked at her coldly, "If I don't come today, you mother and daughter will not be far from death!"

(End of this chapter)

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