Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 906 If you do too many crimes, you will always be punished!

Chapter 906 If you do too many crimes, you will always be punished!

Gong Xin glared at Si Kou Yao angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "If you came to see my joke today, then get out now if you've seen enough!"

Si Kouyao stood up, looked down at her condescendingly, with a trace of disdain and sarcasm, and said with a cold smile, "You really think that I would come here to see your jokes when I'm so free? What do you think? Is your joke so good? Is it worth our family of five working hard for you? Gong Xin, you really think highly of yourself!"

Speaking of this, Si Kouyao's pretty face darkened, and she reprimanded sharply, "Gong Xin, let me tell you, if it wasn't for your brother's face, and your old father and mother's entrustment, you would be like this." If you are dead, I think you deserve it, and I will never look at you more, let alone save you!"

When Gong Xin heard that Si Kouyao mentioned Gong Chen, and Gong's father and mother, a grievance flashed in his heart, and his eyes turned red again.

She gritted her teeth, and still asked, "My parents... are they okay?"

Si Kou Yao snorted softly, "So you still remember them? Your parents raised you so big, but they raised you as an ignorant white-eyed wolf. Seeing how sad and sad they look when they talk about you, I feel so sad." feel sorry for them.”

Gong Xin stared at her bitterly, but didn't know what to say to refute her.

Under the oppression of Si Kou Yao's powerful momentum, she didn't have the courage to dare to fight against Si Kou Yao.

"Gong Xin, are you going to live like this forever? Do you want Xiao Lan'er to follow you all the time, to live a life where the original partner will lead someone to beat you at any time, and you don't know when you will even lose your life?" ?”

Si Kouyao fixed her eyes on her, looked directly into her eyes, and forced her to tell the truth.

Gong Xin's gaze gradually became a little distracted, and she seemed to be muttering to herself, "I don't want to live such a life, but besides this, I want to live a good life, what else can I do?"

Si Kou Yao planted an imprint in her brain word by word, "As the saying goes, a woman can hold up half the sky, you have hands and feet, you can be self-reliant, you can learn the skills of life, just like Cooking, tailoring, fashion design, etc., you can live a wealthy life with your own hardworking hands, why choose the most miserable way to live your life that makes your parents look down? "

"Gong Xin, please remember, if you are lazy and vain, your life will be ruined!"

"From today onwards, you will sever ties with Xiao Lan'er and Cheng Zhonghong!"

"From today onwards, you will rely on your own hands to earn living expenses!"

"From today onwards, you can no longer be lazy and lazy. You must be a good mother, treat Xiao Lan'er well, and set a good example for her! Do you understand?"

Si Kou Yao planted all these words into Gong Xin's mind with the most advanced hypnotism.

Seeing Gong Xin nodding her head obediently, she let out a sigh of relief.

Si Kouyao immediately made another phone call, and a murderous look flashed in her eyes, "You take action immediately, and kill me the Zhonghong Group company whose boss is Cheng Zhonghong!"

The other side answered loudly, "Yes!"

Si Kou Yao's lips curled into a sneer, hum!Cheng, I think you have no money, how can you play with women in the future?
If you do too many crimes, you will always be punished!

(End of this chapter)

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