Chapter 907 The Black Hearted Man
Following Si Kouyao's order, all departments acted immediately, and they all rushed to Zhonghong Group Company.

The president, Cheng Zhonghong, was in the office, doing business with the new secretary, feeling refreshed, when the special police rushed in and pinned him down.

Before he could even pull up his trousers, he was handcuffed in cold handcuffs.

Cheng Zhonghong turned pale with fright.

But after all, he has been in the business world for a long time, and he has faced a lot of ups and downs. He forced himself to be calm and sternly asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do? What law have I committed? Are you going to treat me like this? I I want a lawyer! I want a lawyer! I want a lawyer!"

The special police officer who buckled him sneered, "You will see your lawyer!"

After finishing speaking, he was directly detained and pushed into the police car.

The new secretary huddled in the corner, picked up the clothes on the ground to cover his naked body, and looked at these murderous special policemen, trembling all over.

When the SWAT approached her with shiny handcuffs, she screamed, "I've only been here for a few days, I don't know anything, I haven't done anything, their business has nothing to do with me! It really doesn't matter to me thing!"

The special police don't care whether it's your business or not, as long as they are next to Cheng Zhonghong, they will all be arrested and interrogated.

The task this time was assigned by the highest level, and they definitely carried it out strictly, and they never dared to be negligent.

As for the private companies of this empire, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no problem at all. If you really want to investigate strictly, you can go bankrupt in minutes.

Scum like Zhonghong Group Company and Cheng Zhonghong have committed many crimes, and what kind of tragic ending he will have is completely predictable.

One month after Cheng Zhonghong entered, the case was directly sentenced. He was suspected of multiple crimes, and the evidence was conclusive, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He thought about it in the prison, but he couldn't figure it out, whose hands did he fall into?

It wasn't until many years later that he found out that what happened to him was because of Gong Xin.

Cheng Zhonghong slapped himself hard at that time.

He remembered back then, when he saw Gong Xin in the Xiao's Hotel and wanted to get her, Xiao Chuntian, the general manager of the Xiao's Hotel, had specially warned him that there was a big man behind Gong Xin, so that he could get her. He doesn't touch her.

But at that time, he was obsessed with thinking, since Gong Xin is surrounded by important people, wouldn't it be more beneficial for him to get her?

As long as he controls this woman and makes Gong Xin utterly devoted to him, then the backer behind her, for Gong Xin's sake, should also treat him better?
Focusing on this point, Cheng Zhonghong was really good to Gong Xin in the first few years. He asked money for money, car for car, and things for things. He really pampered Gong Xin for a while.

Even the house in Jinxiu Garden was written in Gong Xin's name, and he allowed her to give birth to Cheng Lan, a child.

Even his wife tried to trouble Gong Xin, but he forcefully stopped him.

But after a few years, Cheng Zhonghong saw that Gong Xin didn't look like someone was protecting her, and it didn't help him at all.

Cheng Zhonghong began to doubt General Manager Xiao's words. He thought, is this President Xiao fooling him? He said that Gong Xin had a backer, but he didn't want him to take away Gong Xin who was still working in Xiao's Hotel at that time?
The more Cheng Zhonghong thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

This black-hearted man deliberately hinted in front of his wife...

(End of this chapter)

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