Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 908 One Sentence Will Kill You

Chapter 908
He asked his wife to try Gong Xin's depth.

He wanted to see, after Gong Xin was punished by his wife, would someone come out to support her and come out to help her seek justice?
If Gong Xin really has a strong backer, then he will give Gong Xin a good company when the time comes, and then send her some expensive gifts to coax her well.

But if Gong Xin doesn't have a backer, hehehe, then it doesn't matter to him whether this woman stays or not.

Mrs. Cheng hated these little three, four, and five for a long time. Now that she has received the approval and instruction of her scumbag husband, why not punish Gong Xin to death?

The first time I brought someone to find Gong Xin, he beat him until he was admitted to the hospital.

After seeing Gong Xin's accident, Cheng Zhonghong was completely disappointed that no one stood up for Gong Xin, and he couldn't look down on Gong Xin anymore.

After that, he let his wife bully Gong Xin.

But he didn't expect that Gong Xin's backstage was only exposed today.

Moreover, it is really a scary backstage!

If her big backer didn't make a move, it would be fine if she made a move, and the group company he had been fighting with for decades would be wiped out!

The more Cheng Zhonghong thought about it, the more fearful he became. The other party could destroy his group company with a single sentence. How powerful must this be?
After knowing the truth, Cheng Zhonghong also gave up.

He knew in his heart that for the rest of his life, he would probably have to stay in prison until he died of old age!
But Cheng Zhonghong's original wife was quite smart. After Cheng Zhonghong's accident, she quickly packed up her bags, took gold and silver treasures with her, and fled to foreign countries with her son, and never returned to China until her death.

As for Gong Xin, after being hypnotized by Si Kou Yao, she really became a good woman.

She sold the house in Kyoto, took Cheng Lan back to her hometown, and began to change her mind and start a new life.

She worked hard to learn various life skills, take good care of her children, and be filial to her parents.

Gong's father and Gong's mother called Si Kouyao, thanked her non-stop, and finally put their daughter on the right path.

This is for later.

Half a month after Si Kou Yao and Gong Chen reunited, Si Kou Yao received a message from Gong Chen, saying that they were ready and wanted to go back to Earth, first to see their relatives and friends, and then discuss with her whether to stay or not. question.

Si Kouyao hurriedly went to the Datang plane again, took Gong Chen's family of four back to Earth, and sent them back to the Gong family.

The reunion scene of the Gong family was very touching. Si Kouyao didn't want to disturb them, so she told Gong Chen to let him finish his work here, and go to the capital to meet them for a drink.

Before leaving, she returned the 500 million that Gong Chen asked her to bring back to him.

Because she was not sure whether Gong's father and mother would stay or move to Datang with her, Si Kouyao didn't give them the money.

This time Gong Chen's family is back, it will be more meaningful for him to hand over the money to his parents himself.

three days later.

Gong Chen took his wife and children into the capital.

He saw Xiao Chifeng, Wei Bao, Gong Xiao, Hou Xing, Fu Lin, Ming Liang, and Sima Lin from the Longyan Army hugging each other again, and they all blushed with excitement.

Wei Bao punched him hard, and said with a smile, "You boy is really blessed, and you have caught up with the trend of time travel and rebirth, became a prince, married a beautiful wife, and have both children. It's really enviable!"

Gong Chen said with a smile, "You are no worse than me now. I have heard that you, Brother Wei, are very shrewd. You know how to act first, and you have already ordered baby kisses for your little princess and little prince. Yes. no?"

(End of this chapter)

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