Chapter 909 Brothers reunited

Wei Bao hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense! That's because the third prince has saved my little Yu'er's life. This kind of life-saving grace, our little Yu'er promised each other with his body. This is a god-given marriage, isn't it? What kind of scheming brother is playing, do you understand? Besides, the eyes of our boss and sister-in-law are sharp, can we lie to them? Boss, sister-in-law, am I right? "

Outside, they used orthodox addresses to Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao, Mr. President and Mrs. President.

But in this private gathering, they still habitually call Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao the boss and sister-in-law.

Xiao Chifeng just smiled, noncommittal.

Si Kou Yao directly laughed and said, "Xiao Yu'er is smart and caring, I like her very much, she and San'er are indeed a natural couple."

Wei Bao flattered Si Kouyao without any trace, "My little Yuer is lucky to be able to marry San'er, and to have such an enlightened master and mother-in-law like you!"

Speaking of this, Wei Bao stood up, held up his wine glass, and said to everyone, "I have to respect my elder brother and sister-in-law first for this glass, I wish you a long life and lead the brothers to move forward to a better and happier life! Brother and sister-in-law, let me do it first!"

Watching Wei Bao finish it off, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao also picked up the wine glasses and drank the wine in the glasses.

Xiao Chifeng also poured a glass of wine, stood up and said to everyone, "Come on, this glass, we congratulate Gong Chen for returning with his wife and children, let's do it together!"

Everyone hurriedly stood up holding their wine glasses again, and clinked glasses with Gong Chen.

Gong Chen looked at Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao, and said gratefully, "Thank you boss! Thank you sister-in-law!" After speaking, he raised his head and drained the wine in the glass.

Everyone followed suit.

They have been following Xiao Chifeng's confidant backbone, and now thanks to Xiao Chifeng's blessing, they are all in high positions and have become very busy people.

Gong Xiao said with some emotion, "It's been a long time since all of us get together and drink like this, come on, let's have another drink!"

Seeing their men drinking non-stop, Si Kouyao picked up vegetables for Tang Huiniang, Gong Yu and Gong Qing.

"Come on, Hui Niang, Yu'er, Qing'er, try these dishes and see if they taste good? If they are delicious, eat more. They drink theirs, and we eat ours!"

While eating, Tang Huiniang looked at Gong Chen affectionately, sighed softly, and smiled quietly to Si Kouyao, "I haven't seen my husband smile so happily for a long time, I feel as if I really got to know him only now."

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "People have many faces. In Datang, Big Brother Gong has different positions and responsibilities. He may live a more tiring and depressing life; but here, he has so many With his brothers and parents who love him, relatively speaking, he will live a little easier."

Tang Huiniang said with emotion, "I really hope that he can continue to be so happy."

Si Kouyao smiled, "I will, don't worry, they are not young, they know how to adjust themselves."

Tang Huiniang gave a soft "hmm", her gaze fell on Gong Chen who was chatting and laughing all the time, she just looked at him like this, as if she would never get tired of watching him for a lifetime.

The plane of Great Tang belongs to ancient times, and women still regard their husbands as their gods, even Tang Huiniang who was born in a general family is no exception. At most, she has more martial arts than other women, and there is no difference in other things.

(End of this chapter)

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