Chapter 910 Helping Gong Chen Rise

As a woman who is used to being self-reliant and self-reliant in modern times, Si Kouyao doesn't quite understand the idea that women are willing to live in the house and be subordinate to men.

Of course, in such an environment where her husband is the heaven, it is not easy for a little girl to fight against the whole feudal society.

Even Tang Huiniang herself, in modern times, when she saw that women can be free and not controlled by men, and can work together with men, and women can also hold up half the sky, she said enviously , "It would be great if our Datang could be so relaxed and free."

Si Kouyao laughed, "Actually, as long as the monarch of Datang is willing to change, you can also achieve such freedom and democracy. In the history of our earth, there was a dynasty called Datang, and that dynasty produced a daughter. Emperor, there were many female officials in the court at that time, and the status of women was relatively high. When Brother Gong is free, you can ask Brother Gong to tell you the story of that generation of queens, which is very exciting."

Tang Huiniang was aroused by Si Kouyao's appetite and interest, she immediately smiled and said, "Okay, let him give me a good talk tonight."

The result was that the group of men drank to the end, they drank all of them down, and fell asleep until the next day.

When they woke up, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kou Yao started to discuss with Gong Chen and Tang Huiniang about developing Si Kou Palace in Datang.

Si Kouyao looked at Gong Chen and said softly, "Brother Gong, I have a suggestion, listen to it and see if it works?"

Seeing Si Kou Yao's serious face, Gong Chen nodded seriously, "Speak up!"

Si Kou Yao went on to say, "I want to build a branch hall of the Si Kou Hall in the Datang plane, and you will be the branch master of the Si Kou Hall in the Datang Dynasty, and help us develop the power of the Si Kou Hall in the Tang Dynasty. Help me collect some female orphans and slaves, and then immigrate them to the alliance planet. And I will be responsible for training your family to become super masters, and make your Gong family a real family of cultivating immortals in the Datang plane. What do you think? Sample?"

Gong Chen and Tang Huiniang looked at each other.

It has to be said that what Si Kouyao said is very, very tempting, even those who come from aristocratic families are trembling and excited.

Speaking of which, they have reached their current position, and they have no future for development other than being emperors.

But what Si Kouyao said opened up another wonderful world for them.

Like many people who were entrusted with heavy responsibilities by Si Kouyao at the beginning, their husband and wife were a little uneasy, wondering if they were up to the task?
But more, it is excitement and anticipation.

Even every emperor is seeking health and longevity, seeking the elixir of immortality, but they suffer from no chance to enter this circle of cultivating immortals.

But now, the great opportunity provided by Si Kouyao is right in front of them, how can they not be tempted?
Tang Huiniang asked softly, "Sister-in-law, can I let people from my natal family join the Sikou Palace?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Of course! Your natal family, other aristocratic families, especially the royal children, if these people can join the Si Kou Palace, the development of the Si Kou Palace will become more and more stable, and you will be safer and more united. It is not easy to be suppressed by other forces, of course, the premise is that Brother Gong, the master of the branch hall, must be strong enough to attract more people to join the Sikou Hall."

(End of this chapter)

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