Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 911 Helping Gong Chen Rise 2

Chapter 911 Helping Gong Chen Rise 2
Gong Chen laughed brightly, "Sister-in-law, you don't need to worry too much! You don't know, now your name as Si Kou Dian and Fairy Yaoyao has been widely spread in Datang, and I don't know how many people are inquiring about it. Regarding the news about Si Koudian and sister-in-law, even the emperor asked me several times."

"Sister-in-law, as long as you are willing to go over there to open the branch hall of the Sikou Palace, I think those people will definitely wish for it. You don't have to worry about the safety and development of the Sikou Palace at all."

Si Kou Dian's eyes lit up, "Really?"

In fact, she deliberately made such a high-profile campaign before, in order to make Si Kou Dian and her famous, and lay a foundation for future development in Datang.

It's just that she didn't expect that people's enthusiasm for strength, strength, and health far exceeded her expectations.

In this way, the development of that matter is too beneficial to them.

Si Kou Yao laughed, "That's great! Looks like God is helping us!"

Si Kou Yao tested the spiritual roots of their family again.

Gong Chen, Gong Yu, and Gong Qing all have spiritual roots, only Tang Huiniang does not.

Tang Huiniang was very disappointed.

Si Kou Yao comforted her and said, "Even if you can't practice immortality, you can still take the path of martial arts. Our Si Kou Temple now has two methods of cultivation, one is spiritual cultivation with spiritual roots; the other is spiritual cultivation with spiritual roots; The other is martial arts without spiritual roots, no matter what kind, as long as you cultivate to the extreme, you can have very powerful and terrifying power."

After hearing her explanation, Tang Huiniang's eyes regained the brilliance, "Really? Then I will definitely practice hard and try not to fall behind."

Si Kou Yao first passed on the first half of Si Kou Dian's unique mental formula to Gong Chen's family of three.

Then, she picked out another swordsmanship for Tang Huiniang that is suitable for women to practice——"Qingling Swordsmanship".

Next, Si Kouyao sent Gong Chen's family of four to the training center of the space.

With the blessing of this heaven-defying one day outside and one year inside, I believe that as long as about half a month outside, Gong Chen and the others will have stayed in the space for more than ten years, plus the panacea provided by Si Kou Yao As an assistant, the cultivation base of Gong Chen's family should be reborn, and their achievements are extraordinary.

Time flies, and half a month flies by in the blink of an eye.

Si Kouyao entered the training center of the space and began to assess the results of Gong Chen's family.

After 15 years of training in space, Gong Chen's cultivation has reached the late stage of foundation establishment.

This level of cultivation is prevalent in the plane of immortality, no doubt it belongs to the newly built immortal foundation, and it is not long before officially entering the immortal journey.

But for the Tang plane where there are no immortal cultivators, at most there are only martial arts masters, Gong Chen, an immortal cultivator in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, belongs to the top masters.

And Gong Yu and Gong Qing's talents are not bad, and both brothers and sisters have entered the middle stage of foundation establishment.

As for Tang Huiniang, she already has a foundation in martial arts, and now she has mastered the peerless swordsmanship. After studying "Qingling Swordsmanship" hard, her cultivation has broken through to the third level of "Qingling Swordsmanship", which is absolutely A master swordsman.

"Qingling Swordsmanship" is not an ordinary swordsmanship, but a peerless swordsmanship from the fairy world. Even if Tang Huiniang has only reached the third level, it is enough to overwhelm those martial arts masters in the Tang plane.

Martial arts masters and martial arts masters are completely different concepts.

Martial arts masters generally reach a bottleneck period in their cultivation, and they will not break through again.

But martial arts masters can break through the shackles and keep going forward, forward, and forward.

(End of this chapter)

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