Chapter 918
Seeing that Su Hu was also dumbfounded, Su Bao saw that Si Kouyao's figure was about to disappear in the street, he hurriedly tugged Su Hu, "Brother, don't be stupid! If you look at the beauty again, she will run away, let's hurry up!" Chase!!!"

Only then did Su Hu come back to his senses, and he stood up abruptly, like a very hungry beast saw the extremely delicious prey, and roared extremely excitedly, "Chasing!!!"

The pair of demon twin brothers quickly performed their lightness kung fu and chased after Si Kou Yao.

Soon, they caught up with Si Kouyao and stopped her directly.

Su Hu said to Si Kou Yao solemnly, "Miss, please go slowly!"

Speaking of which, Su Hu and Su Bao are not particularly handsome, but they can be regarded as good-looking talents. Coupled with the luxurious clothes, on the surface, they really look like dogs.

But who is Si Kou Yao?

Even if you pretend to be a god, she can see through you at a glance!

As soon as Su Hu and Su Bao appeared in front of her and stopped her, Si Kouyao's celestial eyes could see directly that the souls of the two brothers in front of them were black, which proved that the brothers in front of them were absolutely worthless .

Si Kou Yao will never show mercy to this kind of scum fighter.

To punish evil is to promote good, and to eradicate evil must be done.

But here people come and go, killing people in front of the common people, Si Kou Yao is not so arrogant.

It is better to slaughter pigs and dogs quietly!
She deliberately pretended not to see their disguise, and asked Su Hu and Su Bao in a charming voice, "I don't know what's the matter with the two young masters?"

As soon as Su Hu and Su Bao heard Si Kouyao's delicate and soft voice, they felt as if they had been electrified, they were numb, and the eyes they looked at Si Kouyao were sure to win.

Su Hu thought that Si Kouyao had already taken the bait, so he hurriedly said again, "Girl, I think you are very kind, like an old friend of mine, I wonder if the girl can show your face and sit in my restaurant?"

What an idiotic pick-up language!

Si Kouyao pretended to be vigilant and said, "As the saying goes, a man and a woman can't kiss each other. The little girl doesn't know the young master, so how can she meet the young master to go to the restaurant? I'm sorry! Please make room, the young girl has something to do, so she has to go first! "

When Si Kouyao was doing Tai Chi with Su Hu and Su Bao, she didn't ignore the pitiful and sympathetic eyes of those around her when they looked at her.

It seems that the people in this city should be familiar with the evil deeds of these two brothers, but no one dared to come out to remind her, let alone act bravely. Could it be that they are really so rampant in this city? Arrogant?

That's why she deliberately refused to see what the twin brothers would do?
Su Hu and Su Bao are used to being soft, so they just come hard.

Seeing that Si Kouyao was so ignorant, Su Bao, who had a more irritable temper, said directly to Su Hu, "Brother, why are you talking so much with her? Just knock her out and take her away, or it will be fine."

Su Hu looked at Si Kouyao's beautiful eyes. A woman with such beautiful eyes must take off her veil, and she will be even more fascinating, right?

He really didn't want to be rough on the beauty, so he asked Si Kouyao in a good voice, "Girl, I sincerely invite you, and I want you to show me your face."

Si Kou Yao pretended to be afraid and took a few steps back, then turned around and ran wildly.

Su Hu and Su Bao quickly chased after him...

No one saw, Si Kouyao flicked his fingertips while running, planting a timed explosion spell in the hearts of Su Hu and Su Bao.

The explosion was scheduled for a week later.

 PS: Thank you for the rewards and votes, dear!good night!

(End of this chapter)

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