Chapter 919
At this time, Su Hu and Su Bao didn't know that their lives were not long!

They only saw the beauty who was about to get her run away, so naturally they hurriedly chased after her.

As a result, after turning a corner, that beauty suddenly disappeared!

They searched left and right, and even summoned countless servants to search the whole city, but this beauty seemed to appear and disappear out of thin air, and there was no trace of her existence at all.

If they hadn't met someone and had a conversation, they would really have thought that all this was just their own illusion.

Where did that beauty go?
Nobody knows!
Su Hu and Su Bao were so angry that they wanted to die, this duck with its mouth full just flew away like this!
They were not reconciled, very unwilling, while sending people to check at the gate of the city, they continued to send people to search in the city...

As a result, the effort is naturally wasted.

At this time, Si Kouyao had already used illusion to transform herself into the appearance of a middle-aged housekeeper. She found Ren Yazi's place, started talking about business with Ren Yazi, and bought slaves.

She went to three human teeth places, and found that there were very few women here, and she only bought more than 50 women with very ordinary looks.

Si Kouyao felt a little strange, so she couldn't help asking the matchmaker about the situation in Qingzhou City.

After asking this question, she realized that the reason why there are so few women in Qingzhou City is that they were harmed by the devil brothers Su Hu and Su Bao.

Those with daughters got engaged early and married as soon as the time came. There were also many good-looking girls who were afraid that they would be harmed by Su Hu and Su Bao if they got married, so they simply married out of town.

There is really no way to find a local one. Before and after marriage, women will not be allowed to go out again.

Even if you want to go out, you will pretend to be ugly before going out.

Only then did Si Kouyao understand why she was followed by Su Hu and Su Bao as soon as she entered the city. It turned out that it was because she was good-looking and had no disguise.

The reason why Su Hu and Su Bao dared to be so rampant was because the Su family was not only the richest man in Qingzhou, but Su Jinbao, the prefect of Qingzhou, was the biological father of Su Hu and Su Bao.

Su Jinbao, the prefect of Qingzhou, is not even a thing. He uses his great power to implement various methods to squeeze the people, and imposes miscellaneous taxes, making the people hungry and complaining.

Si Kouyao cursed inwardly: It's true that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and the whole family will die!
Si Kouyao asked again curiously, "Could it be that the people of the Su family have no one to sue?"

The matchmaker whispered to her, "Why not, but none of the families who filed the complaint will end well! In fact, the Su family's biggest reliance is that there is a noble lady in the palace! It is said that they are the relatives of Su Hu and Su Bao. Sister, tell me, can ordinary people beat them?"

Si Kouyao didn't expect the Su family to have connections with the palace. It seems that it takes a lot of effort to eradicate the Su family!
After leaving the matchmaker's place, Si Kouyao put the bought women into the "carriage". This "carriage" was actually created by her illusion. Into the space to go.

Then, she cast an invisibility technique and teleported towards Qingzhou government office.

I heard that Su Jinbao, the prefect of Qingzhou, lives in the government office of Qingzhou.

When Si Kou Yao disappeared and teleported to the Qingzhou government office, that Su Jinbao was conspiring with the master, how could he go further.

"I want to go to Beijing to meet my precious daughter Su Guiren."

(End of this chapter)

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