Chapter 923 Free Clinic 2
Gong Yu and Gong Qing ran to Si Kouyao's side, raised their faces, and said seriously, "Master, we are here to help you!"

Si Kouyao reached out and touched the heads of Gong Yu and Gong Qing, and said with a gentle smile, "Okay, you two will follow Master today, and take a good look at how Master saves people. Once Zun learns the healing technique, he can save people by himself."

Xiao Gongqing asked with eyes full of surprise, "Master, can we also become miracle doctors from now on?"

Si Kouyao nodded, "As long as you practice hard and learn Master's celestial magic, you will be able to heal patients and become a world-renowned goddess doctor."

"Wow, awesome!"

Little Gongqing slapped her hands happily, and then said to Si Kouyao seriously, "Master, this disciple will definitely study hard and practice hard, and I will definitely live up to your expectations, Master. I want to be a goddess." Doctor, a very big goddess doctor!"

Hearing little Gong Qing's cute and childish words, Si Kou Yao, Gong Chen, and Tang Huiniang looked at each other and smiled, and said, "This kid is quite ambitious!"

Both Gong Chen and Tang Huiniang's eyes flashed a hint of distress and relief, thinking that their children are the best and the best!

Si Kouyao casually summoned a spirit weapon that she had forged from the space—a small house for sleeping in the wild.

It is just right for the medical room that is now used to see the common people.

After Si Kouyao finished tidying up, she said to Gong Chen, "Brother Gong, it's done! Let's get started!"

She looked at the crowd of people outside the encirclement, and reminded Gong Chen, "Brother Gong, let the guards maintain order, don't let them crowd around, be careful, don't trample on people. event."

Gong Chen also thought of the horrible stampede incidents that happened in modern times, turning good things into disasters, and became vigilant in his heart.

He said to Si Kouyao, "Don't worry, Hui Niang and I will watch here personally!"

Si Kouyao nodded and smiled, "Okay, I can rest assured that you guys are watching at the scene, Yu'er and Qing'er can study with me!"

Gong Chen smiled gratefully and said, "Song Cong, thank you for your hard work!"

Si Kou Yao rolled his eyes at him, "You're being polite to me!"

After speaking, she let in the first patient in the front row.

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes and swept her eyes...

The first patient was a man who looked about 40 to [-] years old, his face was haggard and black, and his liver had deteriorated. Using modern technical terms, he was a patient with advanced liver cancer and could not live for more than three months.

As soon as the man came in, he respectfully wanted to kneel down to see Si Kouyao, but Si Kouyao stretched out his hand to support his body, "You are not in good health, so there is no need to be polite, come here and lie down, I will give you If you cure it, you won’t have to suffer from this crime in the future.”

The man smiled shyly and honestly, "Thank you fairy! The younger one is called Li Dazhu."

He didn't say any more, obediently followed Si Kou Yao's request, lay down on the small hospital bed next to him, and waited quietly for Si Kou Yao to rescue him.

Li Dazhu will never forget today in his life.

He only saw that when Fairy Yaoyao turned her hands, a green ball of light twirled in her hands.

Then, with a wave of Fairy Yaoyao's hands, those green light balls turned into green light spots and landed on him...

(End of this chapter)

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