Chapter 924 Free Clinic 3
Li Dazhu's body, which had been suffering from tingling pain, was instantly relieved after the green light spot merged into his body.

Soon, he felt as if his body was surrounded by a warm current.

This warm current that made him feel comfortable was gradually expelling the heaviness and pain from his body.

He hadn't been so comfortable for a long, long time. There was no pain, only peace. Li Dazhu, who was exhausted by the illness, was so comfortable that he wanted to fall asleep.

His eyes closed slowly.

There was a comfortable smile on his lips.

Only now did he discover that the days without being tortured by illness and pain were so happy.

As long as he thinks that he can recover his health and continue to be the pillar of his family, his wife and children, Li Dazhu weeps with joy, and two lines of excited tears fall from the corners of his eyes...

He already had a hunch that he didn't seem to live long, and he would die soon. In order not to worry his family members, even if he was tortured by the illness and wished he could die immediately, he didn't dare to reveal the slightest bit, for fear that they would bear the burden. Can't bear the bad news that he is leaving.

But he really can't bear it anymore recently. Sometimes, when the illness starts to hurt, it really kills people. It hurts too much, it hurts too much...

He is only in his 30s, he is still young, and his children have not yet married. He is really unwilling to leave so early!

He prays to heaven every day, God, please let me live a few more years, I want to continue to live, I want to watch the children get married, I want to see the children and grandchildren, please bless me, let me come back later OK?

Perhaps, God really has eyes, and after hearing his prayer, he sent Fairy Yaoyao down to the mortal world to save them who are suffering and suffering from illness.

It didn't seem long before Li Dazhu heard Fairy Yaoyao's sweet voice sounding in his ears, "Okay, Li Dazhu, you can get up now."

Li Dazhu opened his eyes suddenly, sat up instantly, and jumped out of bed.

He felt relaxed all over his body, stronger than ever, even stronger than when he was eighteen or twenty years old.

Li Dazhu looked at Si Kouyao with surprise on his face, and boldly asked again, "Fairy, my really cured?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, it's really all right! Can't you feel it?"

Li Dazhu chuckled naively, "This good luck came so fast, I just can't believe it!"

After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that he was too happy to kowtow to the fairy to thank him!
Li Dazhu immediately knelt down towards Si Kouyao, "Thank you Fairy for saving your life. I, Li Dazhu, will never forget it. I am willing to do a good job for Fairy and repay her kindness."

Si Kouyao waved her hand and lifted him up with her spiritual power, "You're welcome, for you, it's a life-saving grace; for me, it's a matter of little effort."

Li Dazhu immediately said again, "Then I will set up a longevity tablet for the fairy at home, pray for good luck and longevity for the fairy, and accumulate merit."

Si Kouyao's eyes lit up, and she praised, "You have a good idea. For me, this is already the best reward."

If it was normal, Si Kouyao wouldn't care whether they set up a longevity tablet for her or not.

But now she is eager to quickly accumulate 100 billion merit points and achieve a golden body of merit quickly, so she happily accepts Li Dazhu's way of gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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