Chapter 925 Free Clinic 4
Li Dazhu looked at Si Kouyao anxiously again, with a trace of entanglement, and asked anxiously, "Fairy, I wonder how much the consultation fee will be?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "I told you, this is a free clinic for you, so you don't need to give a single coin."

Hearing what Si Kouyao said, Li Dazhu immediately expressed gratitude and wanted to kowtow to her.

Si Kouyao quickly reached out to stop him, "I accept your wish, don't kowtow anymore, go back quickly! Call the next one in for me!"

Li Dazhu responded loudly, "Yes! Thank you Fairy! Thank you Fairy!"

He thanked him and walked out.

After the people outside saw the first person go in, they didn't come out for a while, and they were discussing a lot, when they saw Li Dazhu coming out with a blushing face.

Everyone has seen Li Dazhu just now, his face was haggard, his skin was a lifeless black-blue color, he walked weakly, and his brows and eyes were full of pain after being tortured by a serious illness.

But at this time, his complexion was much more rosy, and his whole body exuded a very vigorous spirit. Although he was still so thin, he could tell at a glance that he was a lively, middle-aged man.

Someone who knew Li Dazhu very well immediately asked in surprise, "Dazhu, are you really recovering from your illness?"

Li Dazhu grinned, "It's done! It's really better! Hahaha, the fairy cured all my terminal illnesses! When I go back, I must set up a longevity tablet for the fairy!"

After he finished speaking happily, he said to the man who was about fifty years old in the second row, "Man, go in quickly! The fairy asked me to come out and call you in!"

The second man in line rushed in as soon as he heard it.

The news that Li Dazhu recovered from his terminal illness undoubtedly gave hope and good news to all the people present who came to participate in the free clinic.

Everyone at the back of the queue is looking forward to the people in front to get in quickly and come out quickly, so that it will be their turn sooner.

Li Dazhu rushed home in a hurry.

When he came out today, he only came here after hearing that Fairy Yaoyao would be here for a free clinic, but he didn't tell his wife and children why he came to the city.

Now his illness is cured, and the heavy burden in his heart has been unloaded, and he can live with his wife and children again.

Li Dazhu's footsteps became faster and faster, and in the end, he simply ran...

Before he took a step, he felt tingling all over his body, but now, as he ran like this, he felt comfortable all over his body, as happy as if he was going to fly.

Their village is about ten miles away from the capital city, which is not too far away.

Li Dazhu hurried back home, seeing his wife and daughter who were quietly sitting at home making handmade purses, Li Dazhu felt a kind of lost and recovered joy and happiness in his heart.

"Xiulan, I'm back!"

As soon as Lin Xiulan saw Li Dazhu come back, she looked much better with a smile on her face, so she couldn't help but also laughed, "Master, you look so happy, is something good happened to our family? "

Li Dazhu nodded vigorously, "Isn't it a good thing! We met a fairy, and the fairy blessed me and made me disappear from all diseases. Are you more energetic?"

Lin Xiulan looked surprised, and then asked in surprise, "Are you really all right?"

 Good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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