Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 927 The Emperor's Feast

Chapter 927 The Emperor's Feast

Si Kouyao didn't expect that there would be so many people coming today, and the chain effect of spreading ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds of thousands would be so powerful, and Emperor Xu had to issue an order to seal the city gates to control it. The number of people who have to live in the city.

Si Kou Yao apologized to Emperor Xu for the disturbance he caused.

The imperial city is the most important thing for a country, and doing anything here may cause disaster. If there is no perfect countermeasure, it is best not to do it.

Especially when she held such a big event on the main street in the imperial city that could shock the people all over the country, she had to be even more cautious.

It was also because Si Kouyao didn't find a good place before that she had no choice but to choose to hold free clinic activities here.

After the free clinic activity this time, she will think about it carefully, where should she hold similar activities?

Si Kouyao didn't take a break all day, at most she took a sip of spirit tea to refresh her spirit.

She has been busy until the sunset, but the crowds outside are still there, not fading away.

Si Kouyao knew that even if she stayed here for three days and three nights without rest, there would only be more and more people, not fewer and fewer.

At this time, she had already received an invitation from Emperor Xu, who wanted to invite her and Gong Chen to the palace for a talk.

Thinking that the problem of this venue would have to be resolved sooner or later, she agreed to enter the palace with Gong Chen to meet Emperor Xu.

Gong Chen asked Hui Niang to take the two children home, while he and Si Kouyao entered the palace together in a luxurious carriage sent by the palace to pick them up.

When they went to the palace, Emperor Xu had already set up a feast in the Chaoyang Hall where the guests were welcomed.

When Emperor Xu saw them arriving, he went out to greet them in person.

He bowed his hands to Si Kou Yao, bowed to salute, "Xu see Fairy Yaoyao!"

Seeing that Emperor Xu was still wearing a noble and domineering dragon robe, Si Kou Yao had a friendly smile on his handsome face, and a pair of clear eyes filled with warm welcome to her.

She also bowed slightly politely, bowing to return the salute, "Thank you Emperor Xu for your kind invitation, Yaoyao is deeply honored!"

Seeing Si Kouyao being so polite to him, Emperor Xu laughed loudly, "Fairy is being polite, please come inside quickly, let's sit down and talk."

Si Kou Yao also stretched out her hand, "Please, Emperor Xu!"

The decoration in Chaoyang Palace has the unique splendor of the royal family, and the floor is covered with red carpets embroidered with rich and noble peonies.

A large carved round table has been set up in the hall of the main hall, and there is a circle of delicate and delicious snacks along the edge of the table, all served on the golden plate shining with dazzling light.

The ones placed in the middle should be some delicacies from mountains and seas, exuding a faint aroma of meat and vegetables.

The golden plates that served the dishes were covered with hollowed and carved plates to prevent the hot aroma of the delicacies from leaking out early.

Everywhere is refined and everywhere is beautiful.

It can be seen that Emperor Xu must have spent a lot of thought when thinking about how to entertain Si Kou Yao.

Si Kouyao saw that Emperor Xu's attitude towards her was respectful and enthusiastic, so she knew that he was a smart emperor, and he must also want to win her over and not offend her.

Emperor Xu knew how to measure, he was not too greedy, and he would not think that his emperor should be number one in the world.

After receiving Si Kouyao's warning before, he should let it go, so he let it go immediately, without hesitation, very courageous.

Si Kou Yao also likes to deal with such interesting people the most.

Especially for developing partners, what she needs most is a king among people like Xu Di who knows how to advance and retreat, is smart, rational, and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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