Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 928 The emperor is interested, but the fairy is ruthless!

Chapter 928 The emperor is interested, but the fairy is ruthless!
After Si Kou Yao, Emperor Xu, and Gong Chen took their seats, some palace people quickly stepped forward, pouring wine for them, uncovering the lid for them, and serving vegetables for them. After finishing these, they quickly retreated to On one side, he stood there in a regular manner, serving very thoughtfully and meticulously.

But Si Kouyao has always disliked talking to people, and when someone stood aside, even if it was a waiter, she felt that she couldn't feel at ease even if she said a word.

She smiled and suggested to Emperor Xu, "Your Majesty, when I dine, I don't like crowds, I prefer to do it myself and have enough food and clothing. Why don't they all retreat!"

When Emperor Xu heard it, he understood instantly, and immediately waved his hand, "Let's all back down!"

Qi Qifu, who was in the palace, responded "yes" and quickly retreated like a tide.

Xu Di saw that everyone had left, and there were only three of them left in the entire hall of Chaoyang Palace.

He held up the wine glass with both hands, and toasted Si Kouyao, "This glass of wine, I will respect the fairy first, thank you for coming to my Great Tang, and leading our Great Tang to a more prosperous and beautiful grand future."

Si Kou Yao also held up the wine glass with both hands, and said with a slight smile, "It is a blessing for the people of the Tang Dynasty to have such a wise and wise king as His Majesty, and I will stay here, except to return Brother Gong Chen for saving his life." In addition to grace, there is another reason, it is because Datang has a wise king like His Majesty, so I dare to let go of my actions here."

She gave Emperor Xu a meaningful look, and then said lightly, "To tell you the truth, I have traveled to many other worlds, and there are many beautiful places where I want to stay. Long-eyed, after receiving the benefits I gave, after tasting the sweetness, they want to covet more and more, and some people even want to imprison me in a whimsical way, and serve them exclusively. In the end, all their calculations were in vain. Your Majesty, do you think this kind of person is too stupid?"

Hearing Si Kouyao's hidden needles, Emperor Xu suddenly felt chills in his back.

To be honest, when he dreamed back at midnight, he might not have had such thoughts.

With a fairy like Si Kou Yao who has a beautiful face and such a coveted ability, which ordinary person would not want to keep her by his side, would not want to be with her forever?
He even thought that as long as Si Kouyao was willing to stay for him, even if he cleared up the entire harem for her and left her alone, he would be willing and would never regret it.

It's a pity that the emperor intends it, but the fairy is ruthless!
His enthusiasm is destined to be buried in his heart, and he will never have a chance to see it.

And Si Kouyao said such words to him at the beginning of the meeting, obviously beating him and warning him not to think too much.

Otherwise, if he offends her, all his calculations will be in vain.

Ever since Emperor Xu came to power, no one has ever dared to slap him in the face so directly.

But fairy, is she an ordinary person?


Therefore, she is the only one who dares not to show Emperor Xu face like this!
Emperor Xu was naturally unhappy.

But when he thinks about things, he thinks more than others and thinks farther than others.

He can think of a long time in the future, and he can look at things from a long-term perspective, and he will naturally understand in his heart that only by listening to the fairy's warning, acting according to her temper, bowing his emperor's head to her, and then using his sincerity And surrender, in exchange for more beneficial benefits for him.

(End of this chapter)

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