Chapter 930
The people in Si Kou Temple are all immortal cultivators. Once these immortal cultivators want to rebel, what will mortals like Emperor Xu do to resist?

Comparing her heart to her heart, if she, Si Kouyao, was Emperor Xu, she would definitely have doubts, so she understood Emperor Xu's worries and worries very well.

Under such worries and worries, he still chose to cooperate with Si Kou Dian, which is enough to prove Xu Emperor's determination to befriend Si Kou Dian and her.

Si Kou Yao also took the initiative to say, "I understand the worries in Emperor Xu's heart. How about this? I, the Chief Hall Master of the Si Kou Hall, and King Chen, the head of the Tang branch of the Si Kou Hall, represent Si Kou Hall and Da Tang. The Tang royal family signed a cooperation agreement, stating that the disciples of Ming Sikoudian will never interfere or participate in the grievances and internal affairs of the Tang royal family, what does Emperor Xu think?"

Emperor Xu laughed happily, "That's great! Fairy is so understanding. With Fairy's words and this cooperation agreement in hand, we can all rest assured."

At this time, Tao Wenyuan, a Hanlin scholar in charge of drafting the decree, had already walked in and showed the drafted imperial decree to Emperor Xu.

Emperor Xu read it again, and saw that the content of the letter was:
"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor's edict said: Today, my Tang Dynasty is favored by the heavens, and I sent Yaoyao fairy into my Tang Dynasty, and established the Xiuxian Mountain Gate Sikou Palace here. Everyone in my Tang Dynasty is happy, and now the Emperor Xu personally bestows the Great Tang Chang'an City The Lingxi Mountains and Lingxi Town under its jurisdiction are sealed as the gate and fief of the Sikou Palace. The Sikou Palace will join hands with our Tang Dynasty to create a prosperous and prosperous world. The people of the Tang Dynasty must treat them with respect and respect. Announcement to the public. Here it is! Datang X year X month X day."

After reading it, Emperor Xu showed it to Gong Chen and Si Kouyao again, and after making sure that the above content was correct, he personally stamped the jade seal, ordered people to immediately distribute the emperor's list, and announced it to the public, so that the people of the Tang Dynasty could share the same with the emperor. happy.

After the announcement of the Royal List was released, the entire Tang Dynasty was a sensation.

Although there were rumors before that Fairy Yaoyao would set up a sect of cultivating immortals in the Tang Dynasty, but the legend was just a legend, and it didn't come true, everyone just half-believed.

But now that the imperial list is released, it proves that Fairy Yaoyao's sect of cultivating immortals - Sikou Temple is really going to be established.

For the entire Tang Dynasty, this is really a joyous event that has caused a sensation among the whole people!

The entire Tang Dynasty was discussing around Si Kou Yao and Si Kou Dian.

And the happiest people are those ordinary people in Lingxi Town who became the fiefdom of Sikou Palace.

As a villager in Lingxi Town, Li Dazhu was even more ecstatic after hearing the news.

He was so excited that he hugged his wife and laughed loudly, "Xiulan, have you heard? Our Lingxi Town has been granted by the emperor to Yaoyao Fairy's Sikou Palace as a fief, hahaha, then we will also belong to Yaoyao Fairy's fief in the future the people!"

Lin Xiulan was overjoyed when she heard that, "Really? That's great! The people of Lingxi Town are blessed!"

Li Dazhu was so excited that his eyes were wet, "Isn't it! The people of our Lingxi Town will be blessed in the future! Blessed! Maybe our children will have the opportunity to enter the Sikou Palace in the future!"

When Lin Xiulan heard it, her heart jumped up, "Is this possible?"

Fairy Yaoyao's extremely beautiful face appeared in Li Dazhu's mind. Thinking of the warm smile on her face, he nodded to his wife with certainty, "Of course it is possible, Fairy Yaoyao is such a kind fairy , I think, we have become her fief here, she will definitely take care of us first, she will definitely, I believe her..."

(End of this chapter)

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