Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 931 Fairy Yaoyao is a blessed fairy!

Chapter 931 Fairy Yaoyao is a blessed fairy!
Li Dazhu can think of this, and other people can naturally think of this too.

The common people in the neighboring towns of Lingxi Town were all envious.

"Their Lingxi Town is really lucky to be so lucky to be the fief of Fairy Yaoyao."

"That's right, if we are also from Lingxi Town, how wonderful it would be! Then I can say that I am also a fief citizen of Fairy Yaoyao."

"It's a pity that we are separated from Lingxi Town by such a river, and we become people from other towns. Alas, we are not so lucky..."

"Oh, the people in Lingxi Town will turn around in the future. In the past, they were in that valley, and most people were unwilling to marry into it. Now it's all right. All the men in Lingxi Town will become sweets and potatoes in the future."

"Hahaha, man, what you said reminded me that I still have two daughters in my family, let alone, I will find them a family in Lingxi Town to marry them quickly, so that they can catch up with Lingxi Even if this big boat in the town can't become the people of Lingxi Town, we have to become relatives of the people of Lingxi Town, hahaha..."

There are many, many people who think like this old man.

All of a sudden, all the bachelors in Lingxi Town who couldn't find their wives all had matchmakers to find their homes.

The man said, "Our family is poor and we can't even afford the bride price. If we don't have money, we dare not marry, we dare not marry!"

The woman's family immediately said, "It's okay, the woman's family said, as long as you are willing to marry, you don't need to pay a dowry, and the woman's family will give you 100 taels of silver for you to build a new house and live in a new house."

The whole family of the man was surprised, "No way? There is such a good thing? No dowry and 100 taels of silver, then the girl of the there something wrong?"

The matchmaker laughed and said, "Why is there a problem? If you are worried, you can go and inquire about her. Our girl is not only fine, but also looks very good."

The man was puzzled, "Then what is she planning to marry here?"

The matchmaker smiled softly, "You don't know now, your Lingxi Town is now the fiefdom of Fairy Yaoyao and Sikoudian, and now you are all under the glory of Fairy Yaoyao..."

The man on the man's side suddenly realized, "So that's the case, hey, then our family should really thank Fairy Yaoyao for bringing us great blessings!"

The bachelors in Lingxi Town were all overjoyed.

They were all able to marry a wife, so they naturally began to thank Fairy Yaoyao, saying that Fairy Yaoyao is a blessed fairy!

The Sikou Hall has not yet been completed, and Fairy Yaoyao has not yet settled in, and the people of Lingxi Town have already begun to be stained.

They were thinking, if things are so good now, there must be more light in the future, right?

These are the various reactions and aspirations of the common people.

As for the royal family, nobles, and wealthy families in the imperial city, the reaction was even stronger.

What they want is not some benefits like the common people.

What they want is how to let their children enter Sikou Hall to practice the real Dafa of the Immortal Family.

Only by entering the Sikou Palace can the status of the whole family be improved and the people of the whole family benefited. This is the most important thing.

At this moment, the Prince Chen's mansion also became lively.

Every day, the gate of Prince Chen's Mansion is full of traffic and people coming and going.

(End of this chapter)

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