Chapter 933
Si Kou Yao hugged him with a smile, and while kissing him affectionately, he comforted him in a friendly voice, "I'm not doing it for the empire! Take over the hovercraft and air battleships from Star Senna as soon as possible. Isn't the capital even more sufficient! I'm done with this transaction, and I'll be back right away, so I can't delay for two days."

Xiao Chifeng sighed, "In other families, the wife dislikes her husband's busy schedule and has no time to spend with his wife, but our house has turned around. You don't see anyone all day long, and I guard the vacant room by myself every day. You see, I'm about to become a resentful husband... ..."

Si Kou Yao gently leaned into his ear, and chuckled softly, "Okay, okay, I know you are wronged, tonight, I will pay you back..."

Xiao Chifeng's eyes lit up, and he smiled wickedly, "You said that! Don't beg for mercy at night!"

Si Kouyao kissed his lips, and said sweetly, "Okay, if I don't beg for mercy, I will fight to the end with you, okay?"

Xiao Chifeng couldn't be dissatisfied with his wife being so kind.

On his already handsome face, his smile was even brighter than a sunflower, "It's not too bad!"

Afterwards, he opened his long arms, hugged her horizontally, and hurriedly kissed her, "Honey, let's start now!"

Si Kou Yao was speechless, "Old Xiao, do you want to be in such a hurry?"

Xiao Chifeng gritted his teeth when he heard her address, "Old Xiao? Am I very old?"

When Si Kouyao saw his ferocious expression like a hungry wolf, she immediately raised her hands and surrendered in fright, "I was wrong! I was wrong! My husband is not old, and my husband is a beautiful man from Maung Sai Panan! It's me Favorite, favorite, favorite superhero!"

After saying such a lot of good things in one breath, Si Kouyao couldn't help but blinked when she saw Xiao Chifeng still waiting for her to continue singing, and said innocently, "Master, I have said so many good things. Isn't that enough?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at her with a smile and said, "Not enough, of course not enough, my little Congcong, you should continue, I want to see, how good is my little wife's ability to coax people?" How tall? Can you coax me, my husband, into heaven?"

Si Kouyao turned over and controlled him, with an evil smirk on her face, "Since words are useless, let's show it with actions, the effect should be better, my husband, what do you think?"

Xiao Chifeng felt the tenderness of her fingertips and couldn't help trembling.

This little bad girl's ability to be cute is really getting better and better!
What should he do with her?
Xiao Chifeng was anxious, he obviously wanted to turn over and be the master, but he was very reluctant to end the charming appearance of his wife, which was rarely revealed.

He just wanted to be kissed by her, while he narrowed his eyes and enjoyed it slowly...

Xiao Chifeng laughed secretly in his heart, but also secretly pleased, he really loves such a wife and lord!

Seeing that Xiao Chifeng hadn't been fooled for a long time, Si Kouyao was still squinting there, making it clear that today is up to you, and I just look like I'm at your mercy...

This bad guy, isn't he clearly trying to induce her to commit a crime? ! !

Si Kou Yao narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Xiao Chifeng.

The lines of his entire body are smooth and perfect, comparable to the most beautiful artwork made by the hands of gods, so perfect that even the most picky person can't find faults.

(End of this chapter)

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