Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 934 Love Is Not Enough For You, What Should I Do?

Chapter 934 Love Is Not Enough For You, What Should I Do?
The lines of his entire body are smooth and perfect, comparable to the most beautiful artwork made by the hands of gods, so perfect that even the most picky person can't find faults.

Xiao Chifeng stopped moving when he saw his little wife playing, and looked at her again, looking at his figure with admiration.

She said he was coquettish all day long, so why didn't she do the same?
On the outside, he looks cold, noble, gentle and soft, but when he comes home, he becomes a little rascal, a little bad thing.

However, he likes it!

I just like that she can go out of the hall outside, enter the kitchen at home, and play around in the room as well.

Isn't a woman like her who can do everything a man wants, the most perfect wife in every man's dream?

Seeing the appearance of his little wife, Xiao Chifeng, who had been holding back for a few days, finally couldn't hold back anymore.

As soon as he turned around, he took the initiative back, and immediately started to attack the city...

The husband and wife were exhausted, and then they both flashed into the space again, flew into the Lingquan pool, and recovered their bodies while practicing.

After one week passed, the two regained their energy and became lively again.

Xiao Chifeng moved a little again, Si Kouyao stopped him with a smirk, "Husband, it's not good to overdo anything, we're still going to live forever, come back tomorrow..."

Xiao Chifeng hugged her tightly, and sighed softly in her ear, "My wife, I just don't love you enough, what should I do?"

Si Kou Yao lightly smiled, "Cold salad!"

After laughing at him, Si Kouyao got up, "Okay, get up quickly, are you busy? Is there any news about Bai Jing?"

Xiao Chifeng shook his head, "Not yet. Those people seem to be very alert. After something happened, they all hid immediately."

Si Kou Yao sighed softly, "At this time, the calmer the weather, the more abnormal it is."

Xiao Chifeng took it seriously, "Yes! I thought they would have other moves, but I didn't expect them to be so calm this time, which really surprised me."

Si Kou Yao sneered and said, "The more this is the case, the more it proves that they have a big plan this time, and it won't be a small fight like before. They must be thinking, if they don't move, they will kill us blow!"

The corner of Xiao Chifeng's lips curled up into a sneer, "No matter who it is, we will deal with it the same way. Now our situation has been set, as long as they dare to come out, we will meet demons and kill demons, meet monsters and monsters, and meet monsters and kill monsters. Let them come and go!"

Si Kou Yao nodded lightly, "Yes! Anyone who dares to offend our empire, even if he goes to the poor and falls to the underworld, he will be killed!"

Si Kouyao played with Xiao Chifeng and the four babies for two days.

Day three.

Early in the morning, she bid farewell to Xiao Chifeng and the four little babies again, and through the plane channel of space, she took the 2000 trained women and directly appeared on Senna Star.

Captain Wick on Planet Senna and the others have long been looking forward to her coming, and they are already eager to see through.

Upon receiving Si Kou Yao's message, Captain Wake suddenly jumped up excitedly...

He cheered excitedly to the congressmen who were having a morning meeting, "Here we come! God Yaoyao has sent us a primitive pure-blooded female! Let's go out to meet God Yaoyao! Hurry up!!! "


"Hurry up!!!"

When the members of the House of Representatives heard this, they all jumped up, rushing out the door one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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