Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 936 Treating money like dung

Chapter 936 Treating money like dung
If immigrant women feel uncomfortable, they can contact the Alien Office.

According to the information fed back by the robot at Bakaxing, not only did none of the 6000 women who immigrated to Bakaxing have any adverse reactions, but many women have voluntarily registered to marry men who like them.

Coupled with the cooperation of the elixir for sending girls, some of them have successfully conceived and will become the first generation of naturally pregnant mothers.

This is very exciting news for the entire Alliance Planet.

The reproduction problem of their alliance planet has finally been solved, great!
After Si Kou Yao and Xing Sena completed the transaction, they brought 40000 hovering cars and 4000 air battleships and went home excitedly.

This trip, what made Si Kou Yao most happy was the question of how much he had gained.

Instead, Xiao Xiao told her that her merit value had risen to nearly 50 billion.

The merit value of the alliance planet is still awesome!

It seems that she has to work harder, send more women over, and work a dozen more rounds, and I am afraid that the merit value will be enough to earn 100 billion.

Thinking that she will soon have a golden body of merit that even an immortal emperor can't break, Si Kou Yao feels that this day is very exciting.

Dad, you wait for me!I can find you soon!

After finishing her busy work this time, Si Kouyao can finally stay at home for a while with peace of mind.

Seeing that there is still more than a month before the Chinese New Year, Si Kouyao and the four little ones took advantage of this leisurely opportunity to inspect Jueweifang in various places.

After years of development, Jueweifang has opened [-] branches.

The business of each Jueweifang is so good that people who have eaten the delicious food of Jueweifang will never forget this taste.

The most important thing is that people who eat Jueweifang food for a long time will never get sick.

For this reason, more wealthy people flock to it.

The same is true for Si Kouyao's jewelry company, a profitable business that has brought her countless money.

But her expenses are just as scary. When she earns money here, she spends it on charity.

In order to earn this merit point, she also treats money like dung, and doesn't care about gains and losses at all.

It's a pity that this modern age is not as good as the Alliance Planet and the Immortal Cultivation Plane, where she can set up temples for herself and promote her beliefs.

Therefore, in modern times, she invested the most and got the least merit points.

However, she was equally happy to see that the empire was built with a lot of money invested by her, and that people's lives were getting better and better.

Isn't the purpose of her and A Chi taking over the management of the empire for this.

After the global inspection, the time has come to 2024.

The ninth year of the prophecy of the coming of the ten-year catastrophe.

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng are equally at ease, although the danger is pressing step by step, and they don't know when it will explode.

But the preparations they should make have already been done.

The only thing they can do now is to wait.

In such a torturous waiting, their patience is even more important.

I believe that the other party is the same, waiting for the best time to make a move.

Life, how to live, how to live.

After celebrating the new year, the day when Gong Chen will open the mountain gate is coming soon.

This time, Xiao Chifeng specially set aside three days to personally accompany Si Kouyao and the four little ones to Datang.

(End of this chapter)

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