Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 937 Qingjue Shangxian, what do you want to do?

Chapter 937 Qingjue Shangxian, what do you want to do?
Accompany Si Kouyao to the plane of Datang, and disciples like Ye Tianling.

In their Sikou Palace, another sub-planar hall was completed, which is a great joy.

Mu Tingyu and Tang Tiantian's husband and wife, as before, still stayed in Xianshan to ensure the normal operation of the main hall of Sikou Palace here.

Datang Si Kou Yao opened the mountain gate NO.16 in January.

Si Kou Yao and the others set off on NO.15 in January.

Due to Xiao Chifeng's time, they are expected to only stay in Datang for three days, and they will come back on NO.19 in January.

When Si Kouyao and the others were preparing to leave for the Datang plane, Gong Chen in the Datang plane was also very busy right now.

With all the efforts of all the craftsmen of the entire royal family, they were divided into two teams and rushed to work day and night. Finally, before the opening of the mountain gate, the Sikou Hall of the Tang Dynasty was built.

The Sikou Hall in the Tang Dynasty was still built according to the drawings of the main hall of the Sikou Hall.

This is also a feeling and complex of Si Kou Yao.

No matter where she goes, as long as she sees Si Kou Dian, she will think of her dearest and most missed Dian Master Daddy.

If her father knew that she had developed Si Kou Dian to other planes, would he be happy?

From the bottom of her heart, she has always longed for the day when her father will stand side by side with her and watch their Sikou Palaces being built in each plane, so that father and daughter can share this experience together. A kind of joy and happiness that will continue to pass on the Sikou Temple.

Unfortunately, her wish never came true.

Uncle Leng's evasion made Si Kouyao see the reality clearly, and she no longer took chances. Now she could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

Si Kouyao didn't know that Leng Qingjue was suffering from mental torment just like him.

He had pretended to be Si Kou Yu twice in front of her, but the second time he was almost exposed.

Therefore, he no longer dared to pretend for the third time, and simply used retreat as an excuse to stop responding to her.

Gradually, Leng Qingjue realized that the little girl no longer pestered him with questions.

He secretly observed Si Kouyao again, checked her whereabouts, and found that this girl is really amazing, and she has done a lot of things without making a sound.

What shocked him even more was that her merit value had already reached 50 billion.

He is indeed the person that ancestor Hongjun likes!It really is bullshit!Let him bow down!
Seeing that Si Kouyao is so powerful now, Leng Qingjue felt very relieved, presumably it won't be long before this girl will be able to fly up to meet them.

Speaking of which, I really miss this girl.

Or, since there is nothing important now, he will go down to the world for a walk, right?

Leng Qingjue has always been a person who does whatever he wants, and does whatever he thinks.

He acted immediately, and ordered his confidant to help keep an eye on the Space-Time Management Bureau. He had to go out for a few days, so don't bother him with trivial matters. If there are important matters, send him a message immediately.

After the arrangement was made, Lengqingjue took advantage of his position and sneaked out of the Mortal Realm in a blink of an eye.

Using a small positioning system, he quickly traced the whereabouts of Si Kouyao and the others, and chased them to the Datang plane in the blink of an eye.

Before Leng Qingjue went to look for Si Kouyao, she couldn't help but ask herself in her heart, "Shangxian Qingjue, what do you want to do? You came down to earth just to see if she was doing well? I want to ask her Did you think about you? Then you are really bored..."

(End of this chapter)

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